It's been seven days. Seven days. He hasn't said anything to me. Nothing. Not a single word.
Granted, I haven't called or messaged Him either, but I feel like under these circumstances, he should be the one to contact me when he's ready.
He's really making me sweat, though. I know that our last conversation didn't go as well as I would have hoped, but I'm still holding on to that frayed strand of thread that he might come back to me.
I've been trying to focus on them. I've been trying to make sense of their recent letters. What do they mean? Are they giving me a clue? Or are they just taunting me?
For the fourth time this week, I throw on my trainers, get out the door and head to the woods. I need to get out of my head.
This afternoon, running does the exact opposite of what I want it to. Instead of forgetting about everything, all I can do is think about everything.
You can't kill people for no have to have a reason...
I shriek as I stumble over a tree root.
Hickory dickory dock...the mouse runs up the clock...
What do you mean, the tale...You're the Grimm Reaper...
I can feel the trees closing in on me. They're trying to trap me. I run faster, but I can't escape them. Everywhere I turn there are trees, there are bushes blocking my way. There's no way out.
The animals are joining in now, too. I can hear the squirrels scuttling all through the bushes and up the branches. They're cornering me.
The clock strikes one...
Did you even mean it when you said you loved me...
My heart is pounding so vigorously, I can feel my ribcage crack a little bit with every beat.
The mouse never comes down...
The mouse never comes down...
Something starts to come back to me. Images flashing across my eyes. I can't make it out.
Never comes down...
Never comes down...
Didn't you always get straight A's in school...
I can see something. It's blurry, but I can see it. What is it...?
The mouse never comes down...
Never comes down...
I grind to a halt, keel over and trying to regain my breath.
"Christ, of course!" I gasp through crushed lungs. I can't believe I didn't realise. "Stupid," I growl at myself.
Once the force of my heart is no longer a danger to my ribs, I spin back around and sprint home. The trees aren't closing in on me anymore, instead they are parting, guiding the way. It's as if every tree root shrivels up as I come past, so that they don't slow me down. I have to get back. I have to make sure.
I get home and slam the door shut behind me before dialling Todd's number.
I can feel him staring at his phone, watching it ring and contemplating whether to answer. He does.
Wise choice.
"Tell me you have some good news," I say as soon as I hear his breathing.
"I've got the video," he states flatly.
I crouch down with a grin on my face and jump back up. Yes! "Great, send it to me now."
"Okay," Todd replies hesitantly. "But, Avery, I only got you the camera that shows the front of the victims' house – I could only snag one since the others were given to the police and I thought that was the best one to give you. But this means we're square – even if you don't find what you're looking for. I don't want to hear from you again."
I laugh at his serious tone. "Sweetie, I would love nothing more than for us to never speak again. Have you sent it?"
I hear some clicks before he says, "yes. Goodbye, Avery."
After hanging up, I download the video. This is it.
I'm about to open up the file when there is a knock at my door. Inconvenient...I moan as I get up from my desk to answer it.
There is no one there – only a letter. The final letter.
I pick it up and head back over to the desk.
The video loads and I fast-forward through the footage until I see it. Until I see them. I squint my eyes, creeping closer to my screen. I can see their face. Finally.
"That little bastard."
Ripping the letter open, I feel the blood rush up to my face and its simmer turns to a boil.
Meet me at ten. You know where.
I give the letter a sideways grin and as I'm getting up, ready to face them once and for all, my phone buzzes. It's Him.
Avery, I'm sorry I haven't contacted you. I needed time to think things through. But I'm ready to meet, now. I need to meet. Please, come and see me. Right now. It's urgent. I really need to see you.
I stare down at the message. The butterflies I missed so much, finally woke up again. But I have to go and meet them, I have to finish this. Don't I? If not for me, then for Him. So that he's safe again.
But I want to see Him. What if this is my only chance to make things right?
I don't know who to listen to. My reason or my emotion.

Insane - Who Are You To Judge? (Gripping Psychological Thriller)
غموض / إثارة"My name is Avery Blake. I will be the hero for the next 300 pages. Well, in my opinion I will be anyway. After all, this is my story. My primary occupation is as a pharmaceutical rep. I have to say I do love the sales and I definitely love the cash...