15. Forgiving

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Despite the fact that Jimin said he was hungry, they didn't end up going to eat lunch immediately. They actually went to a store that Jimin had seen. At first, Yoongi just really wanted food. But after seeing how Jimin's eyes had shined as he looked in, he couldn't help himself. And it was worth it, because after he agreed, the full smile that Jimin had displayed making his eyes disappear was so incredibly endearing.


Yoongi was snapped out out of his thoughts by the voice belonging to the person he was just talking to. Humming a question in response, he looked up to see what Jimin wanted. And he had to hold back a laugh.

"Don't laugh at me! I want to get this for my niece you prick!"

That made much more sense. Because standing in the middle of the isle was Jimin holding a weird cloud-looking plushie. It was quite cute, but Yoongi would never willingly admit that out loud.

"Sure you are." He replied with a smirk.

Jimin huffed. "Let's just get out of here, I already payed when you were stuck in your head. I want food, let's go!"

Yoongi gave a small smile. Jimin was literally a living ray of optimism and happiness, it was beautiful. He glanced at his watch to check the time, when he had a thought.

Didn't my father say to be home early..? Oh no.

His eyes widened and he managed to stutter out one sentence before bolting from the store.

"I-I got to g-go. Sorry."

He left behind a very confused and slightly disappointed Jimin.

Walking back to his apartment, Jimin couldn't help but let his mind wander. To Yoongi. To Taehyung. To everything. Why did Taehyung get so upset over Yoongi? Why did Yoongi react the way he did to Taehyung? How do they know each other?

...Should I apologize to Tae?

After a long war in his head, he decided to at least hear Tae out. Because now that he thought of it, he probably should be really anxious about what Yoongi supposedly does. And thinking about it more, the more anxious he started to actually get. So, he set off.

He arrived at the house maybe 10 minutes later. Looking at the door, he gulped nervously and rose his hand to knock. Before he could, though, the door was opened and someone stepped out.

"See ya Tae- Jimin?"

Jungkook looked confusedly at the shorter male who seemed to be frozen like he was about to knock on the door.

"Jungkook? Why are you just standing there-oh."

Taehyung looked at the male on his doorstep and furrowed his brows.

"What do you want?"

Jimin swallowed and lowered his hand. "To talk."

Junkook looked back and forth between the two before slowly backing away.

"Well, I'm going to go. You two seem like you have a lot of shit to talk about, and frankly, I don't want any part of this drama. I had fun on our date today, Tae. See ya both."

He left a pink faced Taehyung and a slightly smirking Jimin standing at the door. Tae nodded, signaling for Jimin to come in. The blonde male scurried over to the couch and sat down.

"So, who got the guts to ask the other out?"

Tae flushed pink.

"He asked me." He mumbled.

There was a short, awkward silence in which the two of them thought about what to say to the other, before both decided to simply blurt our their thoughts.

"I'm sorry." They looked at each other in surprise.

"Wait, why are you sorry?" Jimin asked.

"I was kind of assuming what the guy was like based on old knowledge, I guess. I know thats not cool. Plus, I've been really rude to you, but why the fuck are you sorry?"

"I didn't even hear you out. I just immediately assumed that you were being dramatic or that you didn't know what you were talking about. I guess I just didn't want to think anything bad about him. Plus, you really haven't been rude to me. I've been the one ignoring and, just, being cruel to you. But also, I came here for another reason as well."

Jimin swallowed as Taehyung tilted his head curiously.

"I want you to tell me what you know about Yoongi."

Tae blinked. "Are you sure? You don't have to feel pressured or anything, I mean, it's up to you... Plus, that's a long, dark story to tell."

Jimin thought for a second then smiled a bit.

"I still want to know, but if it takes that long I wanna know all about this little date of yours, first."

The younger's face started to blossom a brilliant scarlet, almost matching the bright red mop of hair on his head.


Needless to say, they were both pretty happy to be back in good terms.

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