26. Trusting

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Another hour. That's how long Yoongi had been putting up with a very drunk, and very clingy Jimin. The younger was currently on his back, hugging it like a koala to prevent the elder from moving out of his spot.

"Jiminie, I really need you to let go if you want to go to bed."

A pout found its way onto the younger's face.

"But Diminie doesn't want to go to bed yet..." A few tears leaked out of his eyes as he looked up at the elder. Yoongi sighed for what felt like the 50th time tonight.

"It's really late, Jiminie, and you have work tomorrow. Come on, you need to get to bed."

"No!" The younger shouted childishly, shaking his head with what would normally be an adorable pout on his face.

And so this continued. For another hour. Until it got to the point, where Yoongi was done.

"Jimin! Get into your bed right now!" He raised his voice, anger, irritation, and exhaustion controlling his actions. Immediately he felt regret pool into his stomach when Jimin looked at him with hurt eyes, tears welling up at the bottom.

"Alright, hyung." He whispered before darting up to his room.

Yoongi brushed his hand through his hair, a habit he learned from a certain dongsaeng of his that was now sulking in his room. He trudged up to Jimin's room, softly knocking on the door.

"Jimin? Look, I'm sorry about all of that. I'm just tired, and I kind of let that out on you. Will you let me in?"

Yoongi had to resist the urge to roll his eyes at how he sounded. It seemed like he was dealing with a six-year old. The door hesitantly cracked open. Yoongi took that as his sign to come in. He pushed open the door and slipped inside the room. Jimin was sitting on his bed, his knees curled up to his chest and silent tears streaking down his face.

"I'm sorry I seem like I'm overreacting, but I thought you didn't like me anymore."

Yoongi frowned at the words he was greeted with.

"Why would I not like you anymore?"

His question was met with only a shrug, but Yoongi sensed there was more to it than that. He resolved to find out soon. Walking over to the bed where Jimin was still curled in on himself, he sat down next to him and wordlessly watched him while the younger silently cried. After about thirty seconds of debating, he decided to push aside his comfort zone for a bit, considering he felt Jimin needed it more than him right now.

Wrapping his arms around the shaking figure, he pulled the younger close and proceeded to rub circles in his back. Jimin leaned into the elder's touch, crying on Yoongi's shoulder.

"I-I'm sor-ry about this h-hyung. I just thought you didn't like me anymore. I thought maybe you thought I was too fat, or something..." He sniffled.

Yoongi blinked.


"Well I know I'm not very skinny, in fact I'm really fat, and I'm ugly, and I know my personality is quite dull, and I have a lot of improvement to do in my dancing, and not to mention my singing-" Jimin panicked, rambling.

"Jimin. None of that is true in the slightest," Yoongi cut himself off as he noticed the younger nodding off. He gave a small smile.

"We'll discuss this tomorrow. Goodnight Jiminie."

Before he could go, his wrist was grabbed by a tiny hand.


In other households, a young dance instructor sang quietly to his boyfriend, lulling them both to sleep. A couple sat wrapped in each other's warmth as they hugged each other tightly, not wanting to let the other go until they fell asleep. And another dance instructor sat soundly sleeping in bed, dreaming of the next day. But none of that mattered to the two newly forming and trusting couple.

Yoongi curled himself around his angel, keeping as much warmth between them as possible. His eyelids fluttered closed, and as he was drifting off he felt a pair of lips fit themselves onto his. A smile found it's way onto the elder's face as he was embraced into the land of dreams.

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