28. Loving

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Jimin was officially panicking. Pacing around his room, he was anxiously fidgeting with his fingers as he rambled.

"I mean, do you think he's going to wear something fancy? What if he takes me to a lake or something and I wear something too fancy and it gets messed up? Or worse, what if he takes me to a fancy restaurant and I'm not fancy enough? Oh god, I hope I get this right what if I mess up my words or stutter a lot or he thinks I don't look good or he's embarrassed to be with me in public or I somehow fall again-"


The anxious male's rant was cut off by Jin, who- along with everyone else- looked about ready to scream.

"Yoongi adores you more than anything in this world, literally. You need to calm the fuck down, because he's not going to give a shit what you look like," Jin spoke through clenched teeth.

Hoseok and Taehyung, the other two who were here with them, nodded in agreement. Jimin took a deep breath and gave a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, I'm just really nervous. I want this to be perfect, you know?"

Hoseok frowned.

"But you're not perfect, and that's why he likes you. He sees your imperfections as parts of your personality that make you a better person, and he loves that about you."

Jimin blinked.

"That's really thoughtful, of you Hobi hyung, actually," Jimin muttered in response.

Hoseok smiled.

"I can be inspirational if I want!" Hoseok whined.

The others chuckled, and the rest of the preparation was filled with teasing and laughter.

Meanwhile in another household not too far away...

"I'm going to throw up. I'm going to fuck this whole thing up and he won't like what I have planned. No, never mind I'll do fine. He wouldn't do that. Or he won't show it. But he might think it. Fuck, what if he doesn't like it and sits through it anyway? Satan's sake I can't-"

"Yoongi, who the hell says 'Satan's Sake'?" Jungkook questioned, gaining a nod from Namjoon.

There were a great many seconds of silence before the elder answered unsurely,


"Well are you a satanist?"

"I... I don't think so...?"

The youngest chuckled.

"Well okay then. Lord knows Jimin would probably still go out with you even if you were."

Yoongi sighed. Now, he wasn't averagly a nervous person. He didn't get nervous about a lot of things, because he didn't care about a lot of things. But this, this was something special that he did indeed care a lot about getting right. Because he had finally met somebody who makes him feel every good emotion. Who changed his mind that was stuck on the fact that this world was full of shitty, depressed, stupid people.

"Well," Taking one last look in Namjoon's mirror, he turned away and started walking out the door.

"Let's see how this goes."

The four people at Jimin's house were all cackling from Hoseok's attempt to make Jimin less nervous when the sound of the doorbell silenced them abruptly. Jimin gulped.

Standing up he walked to it and opened it to reveal a gummy-smiling Yoongi waiting outside. Immediately, Jimin felt his worries washing away.

"Hey, Jiminie."

Jimin beamed, turning around to tell his friend's he was heading out. Before he could open his mouth to speak, Taehyung beat him to it.

"Jimin, go! We'll raid your snacks in here and wait until you get back."

The older of the two gave him a half-hearted glare before turning to Yoongi.


Jimin gave a nod, and they both started walking away.

"So where are we going?" Jimin wondered out loud. All he got in response was a simple, "You'll see," from Yoongi. Pouting, he followed along anyway, starting a conversation.

"So, I recently heard this song..."

And from there the whole walk was a blur. Conversation flowed swiftly and smoothly through the two males as they walked to their destination. Expecting to be walking for quite a bit, Jimin was surprised when Yoongi suddenly stopped somewhere very familiar. They were in front of the dance studio. Yoongi turned to him.

"This place has so many memories and events, I figured this would be the fitting place for the first part of this date."

Jimin grinned. "You smart mother-fucker."

The two laughed before Yoongi pulled put a key and let them into the studio. Upon entering, Jimin noticed music was playing. It was the song Pinwheel, by Seventeen. He smiled.

"You asked Taehyung what my favorite song was, didn't you?"

Yoongi nodded.

"I must admit, you seem to really like the group Seventeen."

"Shut up, I know you do too, hyung."

They both chuckled before Jimin had an idea.

"Yoongi hyung, do you know the piano for this song?"

The elder smiled.

"Yeah," he replied.

They both smiled as they made their way into their room, the one they spend time together in every morning. Taking off their coats, Yoongi quickly made his way over to the piano. Suddenly, grinning, he sid over on the bench before patting the seat next to him. The younger frowned, puzzled.

"Do you know the lyrics?"

Eyes widening, Jimin quickly shook his head.

"I'm not a very good singer, I don't think that's a good idea..."

The pink-haired male frowned.

"Your voice is my favorite singing voice of all time, so if you not very good the whole world sucks apparently."

There were a few seconds of silence before the younger broke into a huge, dazzling smile and made his way over to the bench. From there the date went just as smoothly as the walk. Yoongi played the piano, Jimin sang, and they both danced to-admittedly mostly- Seventeen songs. But they had the time of their lives doing so, and that's what mattered to them.

After about two hours, the oldest of the two smiled and held his hand out to the other, who was currently laying on the floor staring and smiling at the ceiling.

"Come on, that's not all of the things I wanted to do tonight," the elder whispered, helping the other up from the floor.

Still holding hands, Yoongi led the younger up a stairwell. Upon reaching the top, he took out another key and opened up a door. Stepping out Jimin glanced around to see they were on a roof. Eyes widening in awe, he looked out over the town.

"Yoongi hyung, this is beautiful."

No words needed to be spoken after that as the two sat in silence, bathing in the comfort of the atmosphere and each other. Even as the sky started to shed snow on the rooftop they sat on, they sat shivering and enjoying the silence. And that was how they spent the rest of the date.

When Jimin got home, he walked up to the front doorstep with Yoongi. Staring sorrowfully into the pink-haired male's eyes, he spoke quietly,

"I really wish you didn't have to go back there, hyung. I wish you could stay with me."

The other gave a sad smile in return.

"I have to, I have a meeting today. I'm really sorry, Jiminie."

The other nodded in understanding before placing his hand on the back of the other's head, bring their lips together for a final farewell of the night. They stayed there for a bit, lips connected, breathing deeply through their noses, feeling each other's emotions, comforting and reassuring each other in the best way they knew. Being there with eachother. They separated and looked at each other, smiling one last time before turning away and separating. Walking into his house he was immediately greeted by 5 other smiling people.

Everyone was screaming and trying to talk to each other. Soon one voice rose above the others.

"How was it? We saw you two kissing, so I'm assuming it went well," Jin said with a smirk.

Jimin, surprisingly, didn't blush. Instead, his eyes started to fill with tears. Everyone started looking at him with concern, starting to ask if he was alright and what happened. Sobbing heavily Jimin responded through heaving breaths.

"He's just so god damn perfect and beautiful and amazing and I know he still doubts that slightly but he really is all of those things and he doesn't deserve to go through what he goes through."

The rest of the group blinked.

"Oh my god really?"

Later in the night, Yoongi had finished his meeting at his household. Now he was being confronted with what he knew would happen.

"Where the fuck were you?" His dad spat angrily.

"Being happy with someone who makes me feel significant."

He knew what would come after those words. He knew he'd be going to bed with new injuries and bruises. Yet, all the same, when he laid down late that night, he fell asleep smiling, knowing that tomorrow he'd be able to wake up and see his friends and the love of his life.

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