27. Recognizing

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When Jimin woke up in the morning, it was with a splitting headache and a sense of regret. He remembered what happened last night. He knew Yoongi remembered, Yoongi was sober. Embarrassment flowed through him as he remembered the way he acted. But at the same time, he felt dread pool in his stomach. He knew Yoongi was going to ask about some things. He knew a lot was going to happen today. And he really wasn't sure what his definitive feelings toward that were.

"Oh, you're up. I didn't expect you up so early. Usually my dad sleeps until at least noon after drinking."

Jimin turned towards the doorway where Yoongi had just spoken, blinking at the casual mention of his abusive father. He watched as Yoongi walked in to Jimin's room, holding a glass of water and a bottle of Advil in his hands.

"Thanks." He muttered. A hum was all he got in response as the elder walked in and sat next to him on his bed.

"That's actually a great song. Thanks, by SEVENTEEN?" Yoongi started a conversation.

"Actually, yeah. I learned the dance to that by heart. It's one of my favorites." Jimin replied. But he wanted to get this out of the way as soon as possible.

"Hyung, we need to talk about last night," he murmured.

Much to his surprise, Yoongi nodded his head.

"How much do you remember?"

"Well, all of it. So I figured you'd kind of have a lot of questions about some things..." he muttered.

Yoongi blinked.

"Alright, do you really think all those things about yourself that you said last night?"

"I used to. I used to be severely anorexic, and depressed, but I was getting better for a while. When I met you I was almost to a point where I was actually happy with myself and my body. And you kind of unknowingly helped me embrace that even more."

Yoongi turned away, trying to hide the tears that were now threatening to spill from his eyes. He knew everyone had impacts on lives, but he didn't expect to have such a positive impact on someone else's. Especially someone who means so much to him.

"Well, I can tell you now none of that was true. You're dancing is some of the most graceful and beautiful dancing I've ever seen in my whole life, and you're singing voice is soothing and perfect to make anyone fall asleep and dream of great things. You aren't fat, if anything you're a little skinny, but kid you've got muscle. And don't get me started on your personality. You are a ray of sunshine and you never stop caring for others. You put others before yourself. You're selfless. You always check up on those you know are having a rough time and you're understanding to the people who aren't ready to tell you yet. Not to mention you are literally so fucking gorgeous. You're unique, talented, beautiful, and perfect. Enough to pull even the deepest things out of their dark waters."

Yoongi blinked a few times, coming back to his senses after his little rant that he would surely wish to keep in his head later on. By the time he had bothered to look up at Jimin, the younger's eyes were already streaming steadily with tears. His face wore a blinding grin and the little bit of his eyes that you could see were filled with a look that Yoongi had never seen before. Which was how he managed to identify it.

It was a look of love.

Taking a chance, Yoongi decided to be as straightforward as possible.

"So the other thing that happened last night."

Jimin wore a confused look in response, so he continued.

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