11. Showing

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The studio seemed to be filled with a sincere melody as the staff listened on in silence. Yes, Namjoon had heard that Yoongi's playing was amazing from Jungkook, as had everyone else, but this was beyond expectation. Yes, they could hear the playing throughout the entire studio. Because all of the classes had left due to the snowing outside, it was more quiet than it had ever been. And the staff that were there wanted it to stay that way. Therefore, they could continue to listen to the beauteous melody coming from a certain pink-haired male on a white piano.

But none of them could have wanted to continue listening to the melody as much as Jimin. He could have stood in that doorway all day, listening to the ivory keys and swaying to the music, but he had to get home before the snow got even worse. Yet another reason he hated snow, was its seemingly perpetual need to ruin people's schedules. At that moment, he pushed out all those thoughts from his head and started to walk out the studio. The music came to an abrupt stop.

"Is it snowing badly yet?"

Jimin jumped. Whipping around, he saw Yoongi turned around on the piano bench, smirking at his reaction. Now, there were two reasons Jimin was finding it hard to concentrate, or breathe for that matter. One, Yoongi smirked. He showed an emotion, and it seems willingly. Like, Yoongi had purposely showed emotion to Jimin. Specifically to Jimin. Two, god damn his smirk was hot. But, that's obviously not the main reason.

That's what Jimin told himself.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he realized he had yet to respond to Yoongi's question. Glancing out the window, it seemed to be even worse than before. He groaned.

"Uh, yeah. It seems to be getting worse. Fantastic," he muttered the last part under his breath. Yoongi gave a small smile, once again effectively messing with Jimin's breathing and thinking patterns.

"Good. I'm going to walk to the station, you want to come with?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin smiled and nodded.

"Namjoon-hyung, Yoongi-hyung and I are going to head to the station!" Namjoon nodded.

We started to head out, in a comfortable silence. After a few moments, Yoongi spoke up.

"I still can't get over how amazingly you dance." Jimin laughed.

"Well, you play piano pretty fucking awesomely, too. In fact, you seem a lot more open after playing."

"It's therapeutic. I can show a bit more, well, anything after playing the piano."

"I see that. I like this side of you, hyung."

"Don't get used to it. So, do you like the snow?"

"No. I despise it."

"Well, maybe you should look at it a bit differently."

Jimin tilted his head curiously.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, every snowflake's different. Every one is unique, different. Unlike humans, who are all bland and the same. All shallow-hearted, sad creatures." Yoongi paused.

"Although, you seem to be the only unique human I've ever met, Jimin."

Snowflakes ; YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now