2. Dancing

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Jimin was furious, to say the least. To think that someone, who he had taken the time out of his own day to check on, could be so rude and inconsiderate was cruel. He was sorry that they were auditioning at the same place, and he certainly did hope that he was the one that got the job, but that doesn't mean he was going to say that out loud. Especially not that rudely. Just then, he became aware of a presence following him. Oh, right. He had forgotten that Yoongi was going to the same place as him meaning he was going to have to deal with this fucker for even longer, he was going to die.

Yoongi, on the other hand followed in a walk of shame behind the other male. Of course, he knew he fucked up. This was nothing new to him. The feeling was anything but foreign. The painful, uncomfortable, simmering feeling deep in his gut, and the light embarrassment glowing in his cheeks. He hated this. And he hated himself for getting into this. Sighing audibly, Min Yoongi continued to follow Jimin up the snowy sidewalk of Baker Street, making a quick left into the building of Kamjin Dance Studio. Where he would end up losing yet another job opportunity.

Gulping, Jimin went up to the front desk. He smiled sweetly at the man behind the desk.

"Hi, I'm Park Jimin. I'm here for the job interview?"

The man smiled back at him. Jimin blinked. That smile could easily compare to the brightness of the sun.

"Hello, Park Jimin. I'm Jung Hoseok. The interview should be starting soon, so you can take a seat while you wait. I understand there's not a lot of time between your's and the next person's interview, so the interview might have to be quick." Jimin smiles.

Nodding his thanks, he moves to sit down next to a taller, dark-brown haired male. Glancing up, he looked at Yoongi as he was talking to Hoseok. He seemed to be emotionless, his eyes yielding nothing but dullness. They exchanged a few words and Hoseok pointed towards the seating area, near where Jimin was sitting. He took a deep breath. Suddenly, when Jimin thought Yoongi was going to come over to him, but he said something else and got a point in the opposite direction in response. He slowly let out a sigh of relief he didn't realize he'd been holding in as he walked away.

"You two not fond of eachother?" Jimin jumped.

He whipped his head around to the owner of the voice, who happened to be the coconut-haired male sitting next to him.

"Huh?" He replied, still breathing fast from possibly the biggest scare he's ever had in his life.

The boy chuckled.

"Hello, my name's Jeon Jungkook. I saw you looked nervous when he was about to walk over here. Although, now that I look at you, you still look nervous. Are you auditioning for the new job?" Jimin blinked.

He didn't expect the boy, Jeon Jungkook, to talk quite so much. "Um, yeah," he muttered.

"Well, when's your interview?"

"In about 15 minutes. Why?"

"Why don't you show me what you got?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Show me your dancing."

Jimin swallowed. There was still 15 minutes...

"Sure." He smiled, and gestured for the older to follow him as he got up.

They walked down a hallway and turned left towards a door. He guessed it led to the practice room. Jungkook went in first, and Jimin was about to go in when he was stopped by a hand on his arm.

"How much do you need this job?" An all-too familiar voice asked.

Jimin gulped. He seemed to be doing that a lot, recently. The male took a second to think. If I take this job, I don't have to deal with what I did before. I won't have to deal with going to a horrible job that I hate everyday, because I'll be doing the only thing I really love.

"I'd like to say I really need it," he replied, turning to look into Yoongi's eyes.

The male narrowed his eyes. After a few seconds, the older looked away.

He muttered a quiet, "OK," before turning away.

Jimin watched as Yoongi walked down the length of the hallway and started to turn around when he heard Jungkook calling him.

"Hey, hyung, are you coming?" Jimin took one last look down the hallway to where Yoongi was last standing, wondering what he was about to do, before turning around and calling out to Jungkook,


Following Jungkook, Jimin entered a big room with mirrors on one side and beautiful windows that illuminated the room perfectly. The dance studio was well-kept, not a speck of dust could be seen in the light aroma. The elder watched the younger cross the spotless dance floor, probably to prepare some type of music for him to dance to.

"Lyrical or hip-hop?" Jungkook asked Jimin. He thought only for half a second before responding,

"Uh, how about lyrical."

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