10. Knowing

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Jimin couldn't stop smiling that whole day. He was currently on break, resting between classes and preparing his mental patience. His next class consisted of toddlers, and usually Jimin was worrying about that at this time. However, when he was setting up today, his mind was on a completely different topic.

It was on a certain pink-haired male's piano playing.

To say he was shocked was an understatement. Jimin had come into work that day, expecting it to be similar to yesterday. But he stepped foot in his practice room and literally felt every emotion. The song was sad, angry, and hurting all at the same time. Jimin felt that in his soul. But he was also happy, to see that Yoongi would definitely get the job. He was excited to know he would be seeing Yoongi more.

But mostly, he was curious. Yoongi was originally going to audition for the dance position. So, he could obviously dance. But, he also played the piano brilliantly. The shorter would even go as far to say Yoongi himself was brilliant. So then, why did Yoongi always seem so closed off? He never seemed at ease, and from what Jimin has seen of him, there is nothing to be worried about at all. Not with that kind of genius. The only solution Jimin could think of was something happening that he had no knowlage of.

What could have happened to make Yoongi the way he is? And what did Tae mean when he said, "That man can't be trusted?" All these thoughts bounced around in his head as he tried to set up for the next class.

He was actually terrified when the door opened to the dance room, though. Jumping back, he let out an unmanly yelp as he clutched his racing heart.

"Jesus, what the fuck crept into your room at night?" Taehyung laughed.

"Tae, do me a favor and shut the fuck up," Jimin angrily replied, glaring.

"Well, it seems there's some shit going on in here," Jungkook announces as he waltzed into the room.

Following him, Jimin choked back an angry cry as Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi followed him.

Great. Why doesn't the entire city just come on in?

"Don't worry about your next class, it was canceled because of the snow," Namjoon stated, noticing the younger's irritation.

Yoongi watched as all of them started to talk, smiling and laughing with one another. He felt a pang in his chest. For a brief moment, he wondered what it would feel like to be able to do that with someone.

"Oh, hey! What if you three dance to a song and Yoongi plays? That would be great advertisement..." Yoongi's thoughts were interrupted by Namjoon's suggestion.

As the other three, (Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook,) all nodded excitedly, Yoongi couldn't help but swallow thickly. He could not do that, not for the life of him. He still remembered when he last tried to perform when he got a gig at a restaurant, trying to earn some money.

Shaking, he clutched his head in his hands. His breathing was ragged, and he was leaning against the white bathroom door. He couldn't do it. Everyone would judge him, he'd mess up, he'd freeze up. They'd be able to laugh at him, his social phobia would kick in, he would FAIL. And that's the one thing he couldn't accept, the one thing he feared. Failure. So, he waited. He hid behind that bathroom door and waited until everyone gave up. Sitting in his own pain, and utterly hopeless.

"YOONGI!" He jolted back.


Namjoon was standing in front of him, waving his hand in front of Yoongi's face. The room was silent as they watched the ordeal happen. He felt his face start to heat up, and he struggled to keep his cold facade.

"Are you okay? We've been calling your name for a good five minutes now."

"Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry about that."

"Okay? So, does that sound good to you? Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok could dance while you play a piano piece. It would just be at the street corner, or something. It would be a great advertisement, you know?"

Yoongi swallowed. Shaking his head, he replied with a quick, "count me out" and walked from the room.

Silence lingered in the room after Yoongi left. Jimin felt bad, since he seemed to be retreating more and more into this shell when he should be coming out. The silence was broken by the god of breaking things himself.


There was a steady stream of silence till someone spoke.

"Never use the word y'all ever again for the sake of our relationship, Joonie." Jin chuckled, though Jimin actually saw a hint of seriousness in the elder's eyes.

"Why?" Namjoon asked.

"Whats wrong with y'all?" Taehyung chimed in.

"Y'all is a funny word." Jimin giggled.

"What song do y'all wanna dance to?" Jungkook chimed in from halfway across the studio, clearly out of earshot of the conversation but still using the word coincidentally.

Jin visibly cringed as everybody else burst out in loud laughter, voices echoing off the bare walls of the dance room. Jimin watched Namjoon walk over to his boyfriend- (who was trying not to burst into flames), who threw an arm around his waist with a cheeky grin.

All of a sudden, Jimin felt like something was missing. And that something was Yoongi. He was hating that Yoongi was the only one not here to share the laughs with him and the others. Frowning, the blonde man quickly dismissed himself from the group and headed out of the room, in search of the pink haired man he had grown to call a friend.

He wandered down the hall, peaking in every studio till he heard a sweet melody. Jimin carefully followed the sound to the next room, where Yoongi sat at that white piano, playing as though he was created to do so. Jimin let out a small sigh, a smile coming to his lips as he leaned against the door frame and watched the elder playing the beautiful sounds once more. He was so good, why didn't he want to preform? Jimin pondered this question. Something must of happened in the past that traumatized him.

Jimin for some reason wanted to know what it was. In fact, he wanted to know all of the man's secrets and stories. He wanted to make Yoongi smile that rare smile, and he wanted to laugh with him till his sides hurt. So, Park Jimin watched Min Yoongi play the piano in the bright light of the room. Even though Jimin didn't think Yoongi was aware that he was standing there.

Yet indeed, Yoongi knew the younger was standing in the doorway, watching him. But he didn't stop as he would do with anybody else. He kept playing with new found encouragement and hope, something that Jimin brought naturally with his mere presence. Feeling the keys beneath his slender fingers, with his mind in a calming state, Yoongi smiled.

And for the first time, he wanted to keep doing so.

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