18. Wishing

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The next day, Jimin left early, claiming he had to run back home and grab some clothes. While he did that, Taehyung and Jungkook left for work in order to get there a little early, and try to catch Yoongi before Jimin got there. While still thoroughly confused, Jungkook thought he had a good enough idea on what all of this was about.

But another thing that Jungkook managed to process throughout this whole mess, was that it was pretty confidential. Which was why, when Taehyung asked him to be there while he and Yoongi talked, he was happy Taehyung trusted him so much. A good 15 minutes of them just standing around passed, and they were about to give up, thinking that he simply wasn't showing up today, when they heard the door open and close before they saw a familiar pink-haired male walk through the doors. Taehyung immediately reacted.

"Hey, Yoongi, can we talk for a minute?"

Shit. They figured something out, oh god, they're gonna kill me. I can't run, or fight, or defend myself in the slightest right now. I'm gonna move once and suddenly eviscerate, shit.

These were here the only words running through Yoongi's head as he allowed the two younger males to lead him out of the building. Gulping, they stopped in the alleyway next to the studio.

"So, care to tell me why you decided to make Jimin cry yesterday?"

Wait, I made him cry? Oh my god, I'm such a horrible person...

"I didn't try to make him cry." Yoongi replied, trying to keep his face cool.

Taehyung quirked an eyebrow. "Do you expect me to believe that? I know what you do as a 'second job.' I know that you are completely merciless, yet you expect me to believe you didn't really try to hurt Jimin."

Yoongi felt himself getting angrier. "First of all, you claim you've seen me in out work. Yet, the only time you saw me was when I was accompanying my father during one of his deals. Never, once- have you seen me work. And yet, you assume, because every other dealer you've met was cold and merciless, that I am too. You've already seen me smiling, so obviously I'm not quite like them."

"Okay, maybe you're different from all the other... dealers. But that doesn't mean you're justified for what you did. You still made Jimin cry. " Jungkook cut in.

"I had to! If they had come home, and he was still there, I don't know what they would do to him." Yoongi's facade had completely broken down at this point. He was staring at them, or more specifically Jungkook, completely brokenly and desperately- as if praying to make them understand.

"So, you got him out by yelling at him?" Taehyung replied.

"Yes. If I had taken the time to do it politely, he might have questioned it, or worse, he might have been too late. I know you know what happens to people who hear about it."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. "So, you were protecting him."

Yoongi nodded, looking down. Truth is, Jimin had really grown on him. The fact someone actually cared, showed it, and was openly trying to be his friend, was only a part of why Yoongi was fond of him. All in all, the younger had a brilliant personality and he really liked it. However, he also knew that kind of relationship, that friendship, would come with a huge price. One that would leave him in great poverty. It would ruin everything. Especially with his life. Pulling himself out of his thoughts, he looked Taehyung dead in the eye.

"I'll apologize to him today. I promise to you, I'll never let him be harmed. I'll protect him from that harshness."

There was a brief silence.

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