20. Gathering

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Jimin woke up to feel a fluffy warmth around his shoulders, but also feeling cold. At first, he was confused. How was it possible to feel warm yet cold at the same time..? Then, last night's events crossed his mind and he realized why.

Where was Yoongi?

No no wonder he still felt a little cold, the pink-haired warmth had mysteriously disappeared. Pulling himself off the couch, the thought that he was placed in that position barely registered in his mind. The main thing nagging at his brain, was concern for the older male.

What if something happened to him? Oh, God. What if his parents took him?

Jimin gulped. Scrambling to grab his phone, he quickly unlocked it not bothering to check the notification that had shown up on his screen. He quickly went to Yoongi's contact, and breathed out a sigh of relief. There was a text on his screen from the man himself.

You fell asleep. Text me when you wake up.

Fighting back a huge grin, Jimin started typing.

Hey, Hyung! I just woke up. Thanks for making me comfortable! I probably would have woken up with a terribly sore back. I hope you made it home ok, wherever that is. Also, I hope you liked the movie!

Jimin smiled as he sent the message. He hoped Yoongi would find it heart-warming, but he also hoped he would understand it. When Jimin said "home," he meant a real home. A place where you feel comfortable and safe.

He hoped Yoongi understood that.

Glancing at his clock, his eyes widened comically. He had about 10 minutes to get ready to go.

Oh god, namjoon's gonna kill me...

Rushing all over his house, Jimin threw on an outfit, ripped a brush through his hair, grabbed his stuff and sprinted out the door.

When he arrived, he bent over and huffed loudly. He felt a presence next to him, and it certainly felt like a boss like presence.

"Namjoon-Hyung, I'm so sorry I'm late. I-"

Jimin was cut off by a chuckle.

"Relax, Yoongi-Hyung told me you would be late."

Jimin blinked. Looking up at Namjoon, he realized that he was perfectly serious about that. Namjoon raised an eyebrow.

"You did tell Yoongi to tell me, right?"

Jimin blinked. Nodding his head furiously, he muttered a "Thanks," before rushing to his room. When he opened the door, Hobi was in the room already starting the lesson.

"Ah, Jimin, I see you're here. Don't worry, Yoongi-Hyung told me that you would be late. I just started, so they're still on the warm-ups."

Hoseok smirked at him. "Apparently he knew you were up pretty late last night."

Jimin felt his face flush. "First of all, stop with that face. Second of all, thanks. Third of all, please leave so I can teach my class."

But J-Hope never did. Throughout the entire day, Jimin had to teach his class with an obnoxiously happy horse in the room. To say the least, by the end of the day, he was exhausted.

"So, you've been spending a lot of time with Jungkook, Taehyung, and obviously Yoongi, but I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me a bit. Maybe Jin could join us, you know, it could be a small gathering." Hobi suggested when they had left the room.

Jimin thought for a bit before deciding that a little socializing time would be ok.

"Sure. Let's go ask Jin-hyung, shall we?"

Hobi grinned.

As as they walked past a multitude of rooms to get to Jin's office, they passed a room with some quiet talking in it. They payed it no mind as they walked past, but in that room a pink-haired male was having a meaningful conversation with a financial owner of the company. And it was a very meaningful conversation, anyone could tell, about advertising and business orders, until the younger of the two decided to start ruffling the other's hair. The pink-haired elder groaned.

"Really, Namjoon?"

"Yes, Yoongi?"

They started walking out together, their bags in their arms.

"So, I'd you have any free time, why don't you stop by my studio? I've heard that you like to compose songs, and I've been working on this song for the dancers. I'd like some feedback on it," Namjoon suggested.

Yoongi thought about it. Usually, he walked with Jimin, but he didn't want to miss this opportunity. Namjoon was a great guy, and he never really got the chance to hang out with him.

"I don't know, I usually-"

"Yoongi!" The elder was cut off by an energetic yell coming from the doorway.

Jimin stood there, all of his stuff in his arms, with Hoseok and Jin behind him.

"These two asked if I could go out with them, is that alright?"

Well, that made things quite a bit easier.

"Actually, I had just asked Yoongi if he wanted to spend some time with me. Why don't we all walk out together? We'll end up splitting ways at some point, but for now we can go together," Namjoon pointed out.

With a nod, all of them gathered the rest of their things and headed out.

As they walked, they laughed and joked about a bunch of random things. All was fine, till Jimin spoke up about the weather.

"Oof! It's chilly..." The blonde male stated, bundling up more in his winter coat.

Yoongi and Namjoon stopped walking at the same time. Once the other 3 males noticed, they stopped and turned around with confused faces.

"Really, Jimin? 'Oof'?" Yoongi asked, his entire body cringing at the use of the word.

"Satan punishes people for saying that..." Namjoon added dramatically.

Jimin frowned, crossing his arms.

'Whats wrong with 'oof'?" The younger asked.

"Everything." Yoongi and Namjoon commented both at the same time, their faces tense with seriousness.

"This is y'all all over again." Jin sighed.

Jimin giggled.

"Great, now I know how to annoy my hyungs." The blonde grinned innocently, turning on his heel to continue walking with Hoseok, Jin following after.

"Disrespect!" Yoongi protested loudly after them.

Namjoon took his arm, forcing them to follow.

"Oof should be illegal." He mumbled.

"A lot of things should be illegal."

Yoongi gazed forward, looking mainly at the short blonde male.

"But some things... I guess are pretty okay."

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