14. Mistaking

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Out of breath, both sweaty men collapsed onto the cool hardwood floor, their chests heaving.

"That was so good, hyung." Jimin panted, glancing over at the elder in disbelief.

Yoongi gave a small, opened mouth smile in reply, flicking his eyes from the ceiling to the younger's.

"That felt amazing. You were amazing. I haven't done that in so long..." Yoongi trailed off with a light chuckle.

"We need to do this again sometime."

"Yes, we really do-"

"Did you two actually fuck? In the studio? Goddammit, did anything stain? How did you manage to be so quiet? I didn't even hear you two." Both breathless men on the floor were cut off shockingly by Jungkook, who had a hand over his eyes as he blindly entered the studio.

"Are you clothed?"

Jimin shot up from his spot on the floor, his face flushed a red color of embarrassment as he frantically searched for words.

"Jungkook! We didn't... do anything! We just finished an intense dance routine!"

Jungkook, after uncovering his eyes and seeing the two- burst out into a loud cackle laugh. Jimin placed his face in his hands, trying to hide his face. And Yoongi was biting back both a laugh and a smirk as he slowly murdered the youngest with his eyes. Jungkook however, was now on the floor gasping for air as he laughed, smacking his hand against the hardwood.

"This kid..." Yoongi scoffed, rolling his eyes as he sat up, wiping the sweat from his face with his t-shirt.

"Yoongi-hyung- oh my goodness-" Jungkook wheezed, trying to stop himself from laughing, but failing miserably each time.

"You are 10. You are actually 10 years old."

"It's still funny as fuck!"

"10 years old!!" Yoongi chanted, standing up and walking over to his bag, grabbing a water bottle.

"Jimin-hyung your face is so red!" Jungkook exclaimed after Yoongi turned around, sipping his water.

"I'm fine." Jimin protested, removing his hands from his face with a pout.

Yoongi walked back over to the two and tossing Jimin the water bottle, who caught it easily, not looking up at the elder in embarrassment.

"I'm really sorry you two. Just the way you were talking-"

"We know, Kook." Yoongi chuckled with a roll of his eyes.

"Shit." Jungkook whispered, wiping his eyes on his sleeves, chuckling once more before standing up.

"You know, you should really respect your hyungs more."

"Yeah, Kookie." Jimin agreed after Yoongi with a tight smirk.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and huffed, doing a 90 degree angle bow in front of the two men.

"I am sorry, hyungs'. I shall never be disrespectful again."

"Now we all know that's not true." Yoongi mumbled.

"You right. Bye hyungs'!" The youngest smiled cheekily before running from the studio.

Yoongi rolled his eyes once more after him, flicking his eyes over to Jimin. The younger still seemed to be flushed over the situation.

"Jungkook has the mind of an 11 year old boy in middle school who looked up porn for the first time." Yoongi assured Jimin, chuckling as he took a few steps towards him.

"Ah, I know. I'm just... shocked is all." Jimin laughed at Yoongi's comment before showing a small smile. Yoongi returned it, reaching out a hand and helping Jimin up.

The glowing sun was starting to melt into the west of the sky, the light giving off a light orange tint to the studio. The cold snow outside slowed to a small flurry, finally giving the ground a break. It was early afternoon, almost time for a lunch break.

"Kookie! Tell me where you hid my-"

The voice's words were cut off as soon as Taehyung entered the room to see Yoongi and Jimin. Jimin didn't flinch or even breathe as tension settled itself in the air. Instead, Yoongi was shocked that Jimin barely even glanced up at the other man that had entered, going about his way like he was never there.

"Come on Yoongi-hyung. Let's pack up." Jimin announced simply, walking over to his bag.

Yoongi didn't follow, looking up and observing Taehyung's timidness instead. And although the younger was stiffened with anger, Yoongi saw a wave of hurt wash over his features. He didn't care for Taehyung at all really, but he knew Jimin and him were really close best friends. And Yoongi felt like he ruined that between them, all over a stupid fight about something that happened way in the past that was all his fault. He felt a big pang of guilt settle in his chest as Taehyung glared at the elder.

"Oh, excuse me." He snapped, his eyes flicking over to Jimin who was shoving things in his bag, ignoring his best friend's existence.

"Ready?" asked Jimin, slinging his bag over his shoulder and grabbing Yoongi's as well.

The blonde shuffled over to Yoongi, placing his bag by his side before turning to Taehyung for the first time in a week. The pink haired man had never seen this side of Jimin before.

"You can leave now." Jimin smiled assuringly, pure sarcasm leaking through it.

Taehyung scoffed, shaking his head lightly.

"Oh don't worry, I was just on my way out." He growled in return.

"Really?" Jimin shook his head in fake confusion, taking a few steps toward's the younger.

"Because Taehyung- I still fucking see you standing there."

"Alright Jimin that's enough." Yoongi interrupted lowly, grabbing the blonde's forearm and tugging him back gently.

Taehyung looked half hurt as Jimin strained against Yoongi's grip.

"Listen to your boyfriend. And don't come crying to me when he fucks you over."

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Jimin yelled out so loudly, Yoongi almost lost his grip on him as he lunged again.

Taehyung's eyes widened for a second before he glared at both men, turning around and striding out of the studio. Yoongi had never heard Jimin yell that angrily before. It was a shock to him. He loosened his grip on Jimin, letting him go after a few seconds of calming down.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that, hyung." Jimin mumbled, looking down at the floor.

Yoongi sighed, picking up his bag.

"You need to forgive him, Jimin. I can see how much he misses you, and I'm sure you miss him too."

"I'm not so sure about that." Jimin huffed.

Yoongi frowned, more guilt dropping in his stomach.

"Think about it, please."

"Fine. Now let's go. I'm hungry."

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