3. Laughing

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Dancing; an escape. A passion. An emotion.

Jimin started in the middle of the floor, closing his eyes to gather his mind, feeling Jungkook's eyes on him from the side of the room.

"Ready, hyung?" Jungkook's voice rang.

Jimin only nodded, opening his eyes to look at himself in the wall mirror in front of him. He saw a boy. A boy that was unsatisfied with his body, his appearance, his life. All of which would be forgotten when the first note of the piano plays on the recording.

The music started to play and finally... everything was forgotten. He felt himself get lost in the music right away, gracefully moving across the floor to the slow beat of the song. He was sliding around the floor, moving to the rhythm, feeling the music fill his heart. Sure, he loved dancing hip-hop. But he loved lyrical, more then he loved anything else. He put himself into the music, feeling it, not hearing it, feeling it reach the build up in the song. Soon, he found himself soaring elegantly through the air, twirling, spinning, and leaping with an agile beauty. The song continued, as did his elation. But eventually, all good things had to come to an end. So, when the music stopped, he stopped along with it. He kept his head down, afraid to see what the dongsaeng who had taken him here would say. He looked up when he heard clapping. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw Jungkook's enthusiastic expression.

"That was amazing, Hyung!" exclaimed the elder with a grin.

Jimin smiled led a radiant smile, feeling gratitude and happiness swell in his heart.

Meanwhile, a fair-skinned male stood outside the door, smiling bitter sweetly, feeling his heart elate and break at the same time. Yoongi had come back to tell Jimin that when he wanted to return the shoes, he should place them in front of his door. But, he had immediately frozen in his place when he saw the beauty that was dancing throughout the room. He knew, right then and there, his decision was right. Not only did Jimin want, or supposedly need the position badly, he also deserved it.

He was sweet and kind, characteristics of a great teacher. Plus, he knew what he was doing. He was talented and skilled enough to do it. Yoongi was the exact opposite. Honestly, he didn't know why he even gave himself hope. He knew he was stuck. He was supposed to live the life of a horrid boy who worked the black market. That's just how it is. Jimin, however, was meant to have this job. So, without a second of doubt, Yoongi took out a tiny folded piece of paper and wrote down on it quickly, "for Jimin." He then proceeded to write down instructions for the younger to place the shoes outside the door. Outside the dreaded door where they first met. The door he'd never truly escape.

Suddenly, he felt tired. He felt tired of life, tired of trying. But he was tired of being tired as well. So, as usual, he placed the note down and got home as quickly as possible so he could sleep all his worries away. Because the land of dreams can never harm you.

Jimin was giggling at Jungkook's joke. It was so stupid, but that's why he thought it was so funny. It was so stupid it was unexpectedly stupid.

"Ok, ok, I got another one. How did the skeleton know what the weather was going to be?"

"..He felt it in his bones..?"

"No, he checked the weather forecast you fucking idiot."

There was a long silence before Jimin burst out laughing. At one point he fell on the floor and was struggling to breathe. Hoseok soon looked over and asked what was so funny. So, Jungkook told him, too. And soon, the whole studio was laughing at the ridiculous joke that shouldn't have been so funny. As Jimin was wiping his eyes, a thought occurred to him.

Would Yoongi smile at this..?

He blinked. He wasn't sure why he thought that, but he felt a strange, sort of, pull towards the boy. He was a mystery, a puzzle, that Jimin wanted to solve. Despite his obvious rudeness and cruelty, there was something more there, Jimin was sure of it. Plus, he truly believed no one is just a bad person, there is always a reason behind their actions, at least. As he was distracted in his thoughts, he heard Hoseok call his name. He looked up. Hoseok smiled. Jimin gulped. Jungkook patted his back. It was time.

He followed another man with pink hair into a small room, smaller than the studio earlier but larger than an office.

"Alright, I'm just going to tell you now, you've most likely got the job," the man said, making Jimin furrow his brow in confusion. What..? The man smiled.

"You're the only one going for the position, so unless you're really not suitable for it, you got it. And I already know you have the dance skills. Jungkook chose a great song for you to dance to." Jimin's brows shot up into his head. He saw me dancing..?

"I have Jungkook do that for all of the interviewing people. He asked them to dance to warm up, and since they think they're not under any pressure, they just dance naturally. It's easy for them to let go with someone like Jungkook around, you know? He's basically my little spy. And, I know this is a very unprofessional interview, but we don't believe in that here. We want everyone to be relaxed when here," the man calmly states. Jimin smiles largely. I'm glad Tae suggested this place. I love it already.

After a about thirty minutes of talking, Jimin shook hands and said goodbye to the man, who he had learned was named Namjoon, and said goodbye to Namjoon's boyfriend who had randomly shown up in the middle of the interview to introduce himself as Seokjin. It turns out now neither of them can actually dance very well, so they handle the finances and that's about it. Jimin loved the place a lot as of right now, and he couldn't wait to get started-


"Um, Namjoon, are you sure I'm the only one trying for this position?"

"Yes, quite sure. Why?"

"There was suppose to be someone after me..."

"Yoongi? He changed his mind, said someone deserved and needed it more."

Jimin's eyes widened. He and Yoogi were the only ones trying for that position, and they both knew it. Which means Yoongi gave up the job for me, Jimin thought. He swallowed. To think that a total stranger he had just met and immediately considered rude and cold would do something like that for him, meant the world to him. It made his day.

"Well, thank you very much for your time Namjoon-Hyung," Jimin bowed before quickly scurrying off, earning an annoyed huff and a whine from a forgotten Seokjin.

As Jimin was about to leave the studio, he quickly waved by to Hoseok and Jungkook before being pulled back in.

"Hey, before you go, Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok, and I would like to know your number. In case something happens work wise or friend wise," Jungkook said, still holding his arm to keep him from leaving. Jimin blinked. He'd been there for not even a full day and they already considered him their friend. He looked at Jungkook before nodding.

"Yeah, sure." He gave Jungkook his number, before telling the maknae to tell the others himself. After he had finished that, he said bye to all of his friends one more time before leaving Abdul getting to the station. He rose it fur a little bit, and wrote dune what he was trying to say. After a while, he decided he'd just say it himself and got off a stop early.

It was nearly 11:00 at night. Yoongi had just gone outside to get some fresh air and rid his senses of the horrid scents emitted from his house when he saw something on his steps. It was a very familiar pair of dress shoes and a note. He opened the note.


I know what you did. I know that you let me have the job. And I know that you saw me in the practice room with Jungkook, when I was dancing. Meet me at the pizzeria down by Baker Street at 3:00 tomorrow.


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