5. Smiling

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Today was the day. For some, odd reason, Yoongi felt really nervous. Like, wanting to throw up nervous. He was just meeting up with a random guy he just met. Why should he feel nervous? But Yoongi knew the answer. No one had ever been as nice to him as Jimin had. He didn't want to ruin the chance of having, maybe, a friend. He was ripped from his train of thought by a loud bellow erupting from downstairs.

"Yoongi! Get your lazy ass up and down here!"

He gulped. Putting on his normal, emotionless face, he walked downstairs. When his father came into view, he stopped.

"How am I supposed to get my ass up and down here? Shouldn't I just be getting it down here? I don't think I went up at all on the way here." Yoongi remarked.

"Don't play smart with me. You have a job today. You better be ready by 11:00." The man stated.

Yoongi froze. He couldn't do that and go to meet Jimin. He could refuse, however he would get hit. Not that he cared, but showing up to meet with someone you barely know with bruises might not be a good idea. However, he couldn't just skip it. Maybe, with the right amount of make up...

"Sorry. I already have plans today."

The man froze. He turned around with an icy glare, that would have made Yoongi terrified, had he not been used to it.

"Since when do you have plans? You know, this business comes first, son." His father replied.

Yoongi scrunched his face.

"Never call me that."

And with that, he endured it. He felt every hit bruise, but he didn't care. As long as he had enough time to get ready, he'd be fine.

Eventually, it stopped.

"I'll get your mother to do it."

Yoongi sighed in relief. Sprinting up the stairs, he got ready as quickly as possible. He wanted to leave that house very badly, now.

Jimin sat at a table, waiting for Yoongi. He was 10 minutes late, and Jimin was starting to doubt. What if he doesn't want to come? What if he doesn't actually come at all? He was ripped out of his thoughts by a tap on the shoulder.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late. I hope I didn't keep you long." A deep voice said.

Jimin sighed in relief, watching as the boy slipped into the seat across from him with the smallest apoligetic smile.

"No, I'm just glad you showed up." Jimin reassured Yoongi with a nod. Yoongi let the small smile widen, I tiny bit. Holy shit. He should smile like that more often. It suits him well... Jimin smiled back.

"So, how's life?"

The hours passed by, like that. They sat together and drank their coffee's, and surprised themselves even further. They both ended up enjoying eachother's company, and soon Yoongi found himself getting anxious and scared. He wasn't supposed to enjoy someone else's company, it was too dangerous. If he grew attached, who knew what could happen. He could get hurt, or worse, Jimin could.

Jimin, in the meantime, was having the time of his life. He rarely saw Yoongi smile after he sat down, but the older male was still an oddly enjoyable presence. They sat there and talked about several things, and Jimin's favorite topic that came up was dance. He knew Yoongi was going to try for his position, so he knew the male had experience in dance. But Jimin never had the chance to talk dance with any of his friends before. He was really enjoying it. But, as he continued talking, he realized something.

"Why didn't you interview?"

The male before him froze. Thinking, Yoongi decided to just shrug. Jimin frowned.

"You don't just give up on your opportunity like that. There had to be a reason."

"I saw you dancing and I thought you deserved it. You were not only the kindest person I had ever met, but you danced beautifully. You not only needed it, you deserved it. I might have needed it, but I didn't deserve it like you did." He finished off with a shrug. Yoongi hated this. He couldn't think up a lie on the spot. At least not with Jimin. And he hated that he was so easily convinced to lower his facade. He was pulled from his thoughts by a sniffle. He looked over at Jimin and blinked.

Jimin couldn't help it. He was so ashamed of himself, his own image, that to hear Yoongi call him such kind things, he just let the dam break. He continued to sniffle as he tried to desperatley to stop, already guessing Yoongi felt uncomfortable. But, to hear Yoongi, the cold and supposedly mean person he met on the train compliment him like that, it made him so happy. So, finally managing to stop crying, he looked up at Yoongi with a large smile, the realest and most comfortable smile he'd shown in a while.

"Thanks Yoongi. You have no idea how much that means to me."

Holy Fuck. Those were the only words going through Yoongi's brain as he stared at Jimin and his adorable smile. It was so wide, and generally happy, that Yoongi started to feel something. He thought that when you saw a smile so bright, you should feel all was right with the world. Happy.

But Yoongi felt sad. When had he ever smiled like that? He couldn't remember. And yet, he had made so many people smile like that. The others forced into Black Market business. He was the nicest Black Market agent you could go to. Hence his family's amazing budget, that was all put to waste with the purchase of stupid, useless things like alcohol, drugs, and woman. How could he help all these people, but not himself? He felt himself getting shaky. Putting on a fake smile, he looked at Jimin.

"Hey, I have to head home. It was nice talking to you." Yoongi continued fake smiling. Jimin nodded.

"Alright. Although, before you go, can I have your number? I don't want to lose touch, you know?" Jimin had other reasons for asking this, though.

He was not letting someone this amazing yet mysterious walk out of his life. Plus, he figured, if Namjoon had indeed found another job that Yoongi could take, he should let him know. He decided he'd ask Namjoon tomorrow, as he got Yoongi's number and said farewell. He hoped they'd see eachother again, soon.

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