9. Playing

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"Jimin! Hyung! Jimin-hyung! Chim Chim! Park Jimin! JIMIN WAKE UP!"

Jimin snapped awake with a small yelp, his best friend on top of him, shaking his shoulders rapidly. He groaned at the bright sunlight that shone in through the curtains of his room, and the light but annoying weight of Taehyung sitting on top of the elder.

"Wake up Chim its 9:15. We have to leave at 9:30!" Taehyung reminded Jimin who's eyes widened in realization.

Yoongi was going to be there today! He couldn't be late. Over his dead body.

"Fuck!" Jimin cursed as he sat up and nudged Taehyung off of him.

In a slight panic, he yanked the covers off himself and rushed to stand up, giving himself a dizzy spell in return. He always felt slightly nauseous when he woke up, but it was worse today, of course.

"Theres an outfit I laid out for you in the bathroom, hyung." the younger alerted him as Jimin stumbled across his room, knocking a water bottle of his bedside table in the process. He switched on the light and squinted against it once more, feeling a chill run through his body. Quickly, Jimin seized the clothing Taehyung had picked out for him. His friend had always been better at fashion then he was, so he had no need to worry.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier Tae??" Jimin complained, looking over his puffy face in the mirror from having just woken up.

"I did, hyung! But you just cursed at me and went back to sleep."

Jimin groaned at his stupidness, running his fingers through his messy, blonde hair, starring at the blurry figure in the mirror that was supposed to be his reflection.

No time for contacts. Glasses it was.

Yoongi half yawned as the monorail came to a halt at his stop. He got no sleep, of course. But he was still genuinely happy Hoseok and Namjoon accepted him for the job. He offered to do an actual addition, but they said that wasn't needed. They believed him enough, he guessed.

"Ah! Yoongi-hyung! Welcome back!" Hoseok greeted the elder as he entered, the warm aroma surrounding him, taking the coldness off his skin.

Yoongi gave the smallest of smiles. It was hard to refrain from doing so with Hoseok's bright, sun-like personality lighting the room.

"Jungkook is in the back." the younger reported as Yoongi slipped off his winter jacket.

"Thank you." he bowed shortly before wiping his snow covered shoes on the mat and heading to what he guessed Hoseok meant was the studio.

As he arrived there, his breath was nearly taken from him however, when he saw a beautiful, white grand piano sitting calmly in the middle of the bright room. Yoongi hadn't laid eyes on a piano in months. He practiced playing on air often in his room, imagining his fingers hitting the ivory keys everytime. The sweet sound erupting as each key hit a string inside the instrument.

"Do you like it, hyung? Sit down, give it a go." Jungkook's voice echoed as the younger entered the studio, giving Yoongi a smile and a nod.

Taking a deep breath, Yoongi placed his bag near the door and walked across the studio to meet Jungkook in the middle, next to the blinding white piano. His eyes shifted over the beautiful white and black ivory keys, his fingers dying to play. He glanced back up at the younger who gave him an encouraging nod. Taking a small breath, he shifted himself to sit on the small bench. Blinking, he looked down at the keys before raising his hands to hover above them. Flashbacks of his piano he used to have at his hell home came to mind. The day he found out his parents had sold it without telling him.

"Hey, w-where's the piano?"

"That trash of an instrument? Gone. Sold it, so we can have a fucking meal."

He played a chord, the sweet sound filling every crack of the silent studio. His fingers remembered the feeling. He continued, free-styling a few more simple chords before adding more and more. It was like two friends meeting again for what seemed like the first time in years, talking and talking. The pink haired man's fingers glided over the keys like it was second nature, not getting enough of the beautiful ring. The sweetness, bitterness, and sadness the instrument emitted.


"Are you stupid? Its gone, Yoongi."

Every emotion Yoongi had ever had the pain of dealing with floated out through every strike of the ivory keys. His posture slouched, his eyes closed without even glancing down at his hands. His foot found the pedals below him, and he quickly incorporated it in his playing. He had never had proper lessons. He had taught himself when he was 8. He couldn't help but recall those memories. The first song he played, how proud he felt. Pride. What did that feel like again?


"Lower your goddamn voice young man!"

He was lost in his own head, shutting off every other sense. That brown piano was his only escape. His parents were heartless. That was the hardest he had ever been hit by his father that night years ago.


"Go to your room! NO DINNER YOU BRAT!"

"I fucking hate you!"

It was all coming back. He sorted the good memories from the bad ones quickly, though. He loved, loved this fucking instrument. No one could say otherwise. He forced himself to come to a stop, his breathing split up, his eyes closed. The burning sensation was back.


Yoongi jumped at the voice. The all too familiar one. He turned around, locking eyes with none other then Park Jimin standing in the door way of the studio, blinking behind his glasses that he now wore. He seemed shocked, breathless.

"Hyung, that was beautiful. Have you always been able to play like that?"

Yoongi searched for words, his brain trying to form them into sentences.

"Damn. Well Yoongi-hyung, as of now you're hired... officially." Jungkook said to him, another man now standing at his side.

It was the one Jimin was with on the monorail the other day. The one who was starring into his soul as he talked with Jimin.

"Hyung, come here. I need to hug you after that." Jimin demanded, making his way across the studio.

Before the elder could say another word to protest, Jimin had engulfed the male in a back-hug, his mouth by Yoongi's ear.

"That was amazing, Yoongi. Play for me everyday, yeah?"

The elder almost broke into a smile.

"Sure. Only if you dance."

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