Chapter 2: Hyung

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"These thoughts raced through Yoongi's head, overwhelming his tired mind. He soon felt dizzy and sick, so Yoongi went running to the bathroom and locked himself in. He luckily didn't run into any of the other members along the way or else he would have vomited all over them and the floor. It was much easier in the privacy of his locked bathroom stall. He knew for sure no one was in the bathroom because they were the last group left in the building and the show staff have their own facilities. He was by himself. Alone and isolated enough to keep his members from hearing him."     -  Chapter 1: Comeback

Chapter 2: Hyung

Though Yoongi speedily ran to the bathroom, trying his best to avoid being spotted by others, one person saw him. Of course some of the staff noticed a running Min Yoongi but they didn't think much of it. It was the end of their promotions so it wasn't weird to see some of the BTS members acting strange. Sometimes the members were so eager to return home that they would race each other to the bathrooms to see who gets first dibs at changing out of their stage costume and remove their makeup. So, even though witnessing a running Min Yoongi may seem rare or near impossible, the staff were used to seeing the boys run around and play after their stages, and thus assumed Yoongi was just playing around.

However, he noticed something a bit off. Yes, it's true that Min Yoongi runs around backstage sometimes but usually its chasing after the Maknae line or Jin for his dad jokes. This time Yoongi's stride didn't seem to have any murderous intentions, instead it seemed a bit panicked, like he had some where to be. He followed Min Yoongi for a bit out of curiosity and found him sprinting towards a bathroom. This behavior is very much out of the 'norm' for Yoongi. Yoongi never needed to race the members to the bathroom since he had been blessed with such great skin that a night's sleep in full makeup would only result in eyeliner on the pillows with no change in the beauty of his skin. Because of this, he only became more suspicious of Yoongi and followed him towards the bathroom.

"Well there's the last of that meal we had before the show, I guess." Yoongi's knee's were pressed up against the cold tile floor of the bathroom while the rest of him hunched over the toilet. 'That feels better.' As painful as it is to vomit, Yoongi felt relief. The burning sting that came from his throat calmed his mind and distracted him from his previous thoughts. Was he totally over the issue? No of course not but Yoongi was glad to not have to think about tha-."

Knock Knock Knock. "Min Yoongi!" Yoongi was terrified. He had no idea Jung Hoseok had followed him into the bathroom. "Hey, Yoongi! Are you ok?", shouted Hoseok. Yoongi just sat there staring at the vomit that had spilled onto his hands, panicking. Out of anyone who could've walked in, it had to be Hoseok. No normal person would've even known Yoongi was in the bathroom but the sunshine of the group had some sort of super sensing power because he always knew if he was in the same room with another member and where they would be. This ability worked best with Min Yoongi.

"Yoongi! Hey! Are you ok in there? Don't tell me you fell asleep on the toilet again!" Hoseok was no longer radiating his usual beam of sunshine at the moment, and instead traded it for a darker, more concerned feeling. Upon hearing Hoseok call out for him on the third time, Yoongi finally broke out of his trance. He had just puked up anything and everything he had inside of him, so in no world would he immediately get up and just walk out like everything was fine. Instead, Yoongi hoarsely but sincerely replied to Hoseok, "Hey Hobi. You don't have to be so loud, I'm right here. Sorry, I kind of just passed out for a bit like you said. Haha, don't worry, I'm fine. You can leave now." Hoseok was very relieved to know that Yoongi wasn't dead in the stall nor did he have to barge through the door just to see a half naked Yoongi sleeping on the toilet. That story is for a different time. (A/N ~ XD)

"Oh thank goodness hyung you are still alive. Haha, you had me scared for a bit. Well I'm still a little worried so I'll just meet you outside ok?" "Ok Hobi." Yoongi smiled to himself, how did he find himself with such a wonderful group of people.

Though it's not talked about that much, not every person can like everyone. Because of this some groups don't tend to get along as well as they seem to look on TV. Yoongi has had his fair share of grudges against other idols and rappers too but Yoongi could always tell when a group was acting fake. It's not hard for him to spot a fake friend when he see's one.

Yoongi only now realizes that he is still on the floor, with specks of dried saliva and vomit on his hands. So he finally gets up, careful not to get his bodily fluids on anything. Yoongi wipes the toilet and what he could off himself, just so the bathroom and himself didn't look like a mental breakdown had just occurred. You know, just incase if anyone were to walk in. Yoongi is finally out of the stall and is now washing his hands in front of the large bathroom mirror. Though most would lift their gaze to study their reflection in the mirror, Yoongi didn't, 'I feel pitiful. I can't even look at myself in the mirror because I know how bad I look now." Yoongi blindly messed with his hair a bit and then wiped his dried tears and saliva, finally looking like a presentable human being. He began to open the door to meet Hoseok out-

"Ah!" Yoongi yelped out as he was about to kiss the floor. So much was going on through his mind over the past hour that Yoongi had forgotten that there was a small bump in front of the bathroom door. Hoseok was there to see Yoongi to fall, but he wasn't quick enough to catch the falling Yoongi. "Geez. That stupid bump." Hoseok watched as Yoongi tried to get up but he ended collapsing to the ground wincing in pain. Hoseok rushed to Yoongi, "Oh my goodness Yoongi hyung! Are you ok?" Yoongi was in pain, 'Damn that hurts a lot more than I thought it would.' Yoongi looked down to see his foot was a bit swollen. "Darn, Hoseok. Sorry, that was so dumb of me, I think I just sprained my ankle. Ah. Tsk" Yoongi was about to attempt to get up again and walk over to their manager, but Hoseok stopped him, "Stop it, don't get up. It obvious you can't walk so I'll just carry you on my back." Hoseok brightly smiled, the sunshine returning to his face, he began to turn around to pick up Yoongi.

It was true Yoongi couldn't walk but being offered to be carried on Hoseok's back made him kind of excited yet super nervous at the same time, "Uhh, no Hoseok, d-don't worry I'll be fine, I can call our manager fro-" "Nope. Min Yoongi I'm carrying you there, its my job to help our members when they need help. Don't forget, that's why I'm the sunshine!" Hoseok brightly smiled again and quickly grabbed Yoongi, being sure to avoid his ankle and rested his body on top of his back, Yoongi's head resting on Hoseok's shoulder. "Ok, hyung, let's go! Our manager said they'll meet us at the van since we were here for a while, so we'll have to walk out there. Hold tight!"

Hoseok felt warm. In no way did Yoongi ever feel that he deserved such friends as the one's he has now. "Thank you Hobi." Yoongi softly smiled, and found himself forgetting about his ankle and instead falling fast asleep on Hoseok's shoulder as they headed to the van.

A/N: Yay! I finally got the chance to write this next chapter! This chapter was pretty soft with nothing too dark going on but most importantly, ITS OUR FIRST YOONSEOK MOMENT! Poor Yoongi, I hope his ankle will be ok. T.T 

What other interactions lie ahead?? O.o

We still have yet to introduce our Jiminie! :3

Until Next Chapter! -
      ~  X_YamiKawaii_X

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