Chapter 5: Hand

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Hahaha, What an idiot you are! First you throw up in the bathroom and almost get caught by Hoseok, and then you had the audacity to trip right in front of him injuring your ankle! The guy had to carry your sorry a** to the van. Now even though you tried to hide in the front seat, somehow Jimin found out and you ended up dragging him into this too. The poor boy could've been sleeping now, instead he had to spend the last hour-and-a-half listening to you complain about ankle pain that was 100% your fault.'

He wasn't sure if it was the silence that was in the car, his lack of sleep, how late it was at night, or the fact that they are finally out of the doctor's office, Yoongi's mind decided it was time to process all of what just happened. The combination of his lack of sleep and being up late at night never did his brain any good. His mind taunted him. The little demon in his head saw his opportunity to strike, and took it.

'The whole d*mn dorm is worried now because of you! Who knows how many of them are still awake. How pathetic can you get! You're so selfish, drawing this much attention from the members . Why should you even care how much pain your ankle is causing, you deserve the f*cking pain your in.'

Yoongi's mind stopped, now focusing on the pain that came from his ankle. The pain medication was finally starting to kick in but he could still feel the throbs of pain. The silence that was previously filled with the little sounds of Yoongi's grunts (of pain), is now completely silent. Yoongi stopped complaining. He looked down at his ankle, focusing on the pain.

'I do deserve this pain. Who am I to be such a burden to others?'

Yoongi felt guilty. He never deserved the kindness of his members. He had no right to complain about his injury. He would carry the pain within him, like he does for almost everything else.

Yoongi's heart continued to beat harder while his mind flooded with thoughts. He was starting to panic a little, the feeling being familiar. Yoongi's breaths became rushed and started to become more audible. He felt as if there was a weight on his chest, and a feeling of anxiety starting to veil over him. His eyes remained glued to his ankle and his body unwilling to move. His chest began to rise and fall more as Yoongi fought for control over his mind and body.


Opposite of Yoongi, sat Jimin. They sat on opposite sides so that Yoongi could have enough space to rest his ankle.

Jimin hated to admit it but he was really tired. As much as he would've liked to be sleeping at the dorms, he loves his members more than anything. Jimin was willing to do anything and go anywhere if it meant that he could keep a member company.

His fatigue caught up to him while they were in the van and caused him to fall asleep in the van. Jimin's not much of a dreamer, but his head replayed the moment the streamers fell down from above them and their ARMY cheered for them. He always loved the rush of adrenaline that washed over him when they won an award.

He loved their ARMY so incredibly much. ARMY are the ones who helped him achieve his dream, and now it is their goal to help ARMY achieve their dreams.

As he thought about this, a smile came to his face. He was still asleep, but his body felt warm just thinking about how happy everyone was tonight.

Before he could begin to think about how the next few days are going to plan out, he hears breathing. Heavy breathing.

'Huh, is everything ok? None of us went running sooo...' Jimin though to himself as he looked up.

Upon looking up, through the darkness of night, Jimin saw Yoongi's eyes wide open. He just barely make out the dramatic rise and fall of his hyung's chest. His hyung looked stressed.

Too tired to think of anything else to do, Jimin grabs the hand that was just tightly squeezing Yoongi's thigh, lacing their fingers together.

"Hey, hyung?"

Yoongi's eyes shot up, seeing Jimin starting right at him. He was now making eye contact with Jimin, and Yoongi was shocked. He got pretty scared to suddenly hear his voice, but his voice was so soft, so sweet. It distracted Yoongi from his thoughts.

After getting no response from Yoongi, Jimin called him again, "Hey Yoongi hyung? Genius Min Suga hyung? Jjang-jjang-man-boong-boong hyung? Are you ok?" His hand remained laced with Yoongi's.

Yoongi was still surprised but now able to snap out of it. It took a bit to register what was just spoken to him, but after a few moments, he chuckled a bit.

"Ahh, Jiminie, I haven't heard that name in a while!" Yoongi replied, smiling slightly. "Don't worry, I'm ok, I was just thinking a bit."

Jimin decided it was a bit too late at night to pressure his hyung into revealing what he was thinking, so he settled on replying with, "Ok hyungie, I was just a little worried, but if you ever need to talk it out just let me know!" Jimin gave Yoongi's had a little reassuring squeeze.

Yoongi was happy Jimin didn't ask for an explanation, he wasn't sure if his brain would cooperate enough to make up an excuse.

Yoongi gripped Jimin's hand, squeezing it a little, saying, "Thanks for checking up on me little mochi. How about we get some rest?"

Jimin pouted a little, not understanding why the members ever called him mochi. "Ok hyung." Jimin smiled, hand still holding Yoongi's as he leaned back again to go back to sleep.

Yoongi saw the pout on his face. He always felt bad for thinking his pout was adorable, he would've apologized if his need for sleep didn't just suddenly crash into him.

Yoongi leaned back and started to fall asleep again, hand still intertwined with Jimin.

'His hand is so small, so cute...Thank you Jimin for being here with me.' Yoongi thought to himself, bringing a smile to his face.

The peaceful silence within the car and the warmth from between their hands lulled Yoongi to sleep.

A/N - Yay more of our little mochi and grandpa Yoongi interactions! :3 . In this chapter we got to see a little more into Yoongi's anxiety, so it'll be interesting to see where it goes in later chapters. Thank you for reading another chapter of mine! I hoped you enjoyed it!*

Until Next Chapter! -
~ X_YamiKawaii_X

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