Chapter 3: Jimin

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*A/N - I'M BACK! Extra A/Ns and comments at the bottom. :P*

When they arrived to the van, Yoongi was fast asleep on Hoseok's shoulder so he didn't notice that they had arrived to the van. Before getting on, their manager greeted them by the door, asking Hoseok what had taken so long. Hoseok explained to Sejin that he found Yoongi in the bathroom and how Yoongi may need to see a doctor for his ankle.

"Oh, ok I see. Well, thank you for finding him. I'm glad you guys came back sooner rather than later, because its getting late. We have a few post-promotion meetings tomorrow so I was hoping to get you guys home soon to get some rest.", Sejin responded smiling at Hoseok. He then looked down towards Yoongi's ankle and said, "And about his ankle, hm. I'll probably drop you guys off at the dorms first and then take Yoongi to our private doctor after. I'll stop by later tonight to bring him back to the dorms."

Hoseok looked at Sejin with a grateful smile, "Thank you Manager-nim."

"Of course Hoseok. Come, bring Yoongi to the front-passenger seat so he'll have space for his leg." Sejin helped Hoseok place Yoongi in his seat, careful for his injured foot. They were finally ready to leave, Yoongi in the passenger seat, Sejin in the driver's seat, and Hoseok plopping down next to Jimin in the back.

Jimin saw Hoseok enter the van, but he didn't see Yoongi. "Hey, Hoseok, where's Yoongi? Sejinie-nim said you were looking for him" Hoseok saw the worried look in his eye through the darkness of the night, poorly lit by the street lights. Hoseok first looked around the van to see if anyone else were awake. He wasn't sure if Yoongi would appreciate being woken up from everyone's concerned comments.

No one else was awake, so he looked back at Jimin, smiling and whispered to him, "Don't worry Jiminie! Hyung will be ok. He's in the front right now because when I found him in the bathroom, he was kind of surprised to see me. He tripped over the little door step, and hurt his ankle. Sejin wanted him to have space for his ankle so Yoongi is in the front now, sleeping. Sejin is dropping us off at the dorms and is going to take Yoongi to the doctors after."

Jimin's worry didn't seem to have decreased, instead it seemed as if his shock was added on top. Its not often that Yoongi gets injured. He usually doesn't do enough to put himself at risk of being injured. Jimin responded, "He's injured! Oh no, I hope Yoongi-hyung is ok..." he looked down while pouting.

Jimin loved his members dearly (sometimes, some more than others), but he hated to see any one of them hurting. It hurt his heart whenever a member wasn't feeling well or was having troubles. Jimin loved Yoongi, like how he loved his other members and didn't want to see hime hurt. He was worried for his hyung.

Hoseok felt bad because he knew Jimin only ever pouts when he's worried, distressed, or not feeling to good. Though Jimin never really feels the best whenever he pouts, Hoseok couldn't help but find it absolutely adorable. Jimin's cheeks always looked so squishy whenever he pouts, Hoseok just wanted to squish them. He was just so cute!

"Don't worry Jiminie, I'm sure Yoongi will be ok. He may look small but who knows how many murders he's gotten away with!" Hoseok joked, hoping to lift Jimin's spirits.

Jimin laughed, he forgot how scary their tiny hyung could be. Hoseok was happy to make Jimin laugh, a worried look no longer on his face. Though the laughter was great, they were starting to get a bit loud. "Shh, as much as I love your laughing, you may be hyung's next target if you keep making noise!" Hoseok warned Jimin, while suppressing his own laughter to a giggle.

Jimin heeded Hoseok warning, and their laughter turning into soft giggles.

It was late at night and they still had a ways to go before they got to their dorm. Their giggles soon died down, as Jimin fell asleep. He smiled, being comforted by the warmth of Hoseok's body, which sat next to him. Hoseok admired how Jimin's head fit comfortably on his shoulder.

In the darkness of night, and peace and quiet in the car, the warmth of each other's presence lulled the two boys to sleep.

A/N - A cute lil JiHope moment. :3

A/N - Finallllyyyyy, another chapter...This week wasn't any better than last week, stress-wise. We were on hurricane watch the whole week and for the past few days, all schools and several businesses have been shut down in preparation for the storm. We were all worried and kind of freaking out...turns out it just turned into a Tropical Storm! Basically there was no need to worry...*pretty salty*... I didn't want to work on a chapter, just in case by power decided to go out, loosing my work T.T. Now I'm back and I'm trying to get more content out. These past few days have given me the inspiration for future chapters, so I look forward to continue writing. :3

A/N - The next chapters may seem a little slow, but I promise its all build up for a future chapter, so please bear with me!

Until Next Chapter! -
      ~  X_YamiKawaii_X

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