Chapter 10: Transfer

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**Warning: past abuse (verbal and physical), feels, bullying, angst, and whatever other trigger warnings I should have put down but didn't.**

**There's some cute fluff at the end <3**

The bullying had now gone on for more than a month.

Though the physical harassment seemed to not come as often because Kang-Dae and his crew were always searching for new victims, there was not a single day where Yoongi wasn't being verbally harassed by the group.

It would happen while he walked down the halls. Each time Yoongi ran into one of them, they'd "accidentally" bump him in the shoulder and call him some type  of offensive slang.

It'd happen so often that  Yoongi's schoolmates stopped their stares. He'd find them whispering about it sometimes, while they did nothing to help.

Yoongi's mind clouded with thoughts every time he walked home, littered in bruises and scrapes.

Thoughts that would drive any normal person insane.

Yoongi internally beat himself up for being weak. For being able to do nothing. For identifying as he did. The bruises on the outside did not compare to those that were on the inside.

He hated himself.

Every time Yoongi looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but just stare at the reflection with disgust. Their words began to sink in.

Upon getting home everyday, Yoongi would wash his face and his injuries, checking himself in the mirror when he was done.

He was ugly.

He was a worthless excuse for a human being.

He really did have no purpose on this earth.

No one would want to help him.

He didn't deserve to have anyone help him.

He would  always be alone.

No one.

Tears would stain his cheek as Yoongi quietly inspected himself in the mirror.

Each bruise was a reminder of each of these things and many more.

It wasn't until one day where Yoongi realized he didn't want to have to endure the abuse for the next two years of his life. He wanted to cry when he thought about when he would receive his diploma, careful of his arm when he reached out for it, cautious to hide the bruises that will most likely be there. Anxious for when the cameras would flash to take his photos, if they would catch anything he was not careful enough to hide.

He could lie and and say the bruises were hickeys, but that'd be too obvious because Yoongi  was too insecure about his body to let anyone see it in that way.

Thinking about this drove Yoongi to try speaking to his parents. Yoongi wanted to believe that they had all learned from the pills incident and would be accepting, but of course, that wouldn't be the case.

"Hey mom, dad, can I talk to you about something?"

In the dim lighting of the room, Yoongi can make out the silhouettes of his mother and father sitting on the couch in front of him.

He noticed they were watching a re-run of a show on the TV so he feel too bad about interrupting them.

The didn't even turn back to look at him as his mother said quite blandly, "Sure, what is it?"

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