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A/N - 

Oh my goodness my body is screaming at me.

I'm so so so so sorry I haven't posted a new chapter yet! Last week had been incredibly busy and life just wanted to play with my emotions, so I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to post another chapter and made it seem like I just disappeared. There's been a lot going on in life now and I feel guilty that I have not been able to post a new chapter for you guys. I promise I am trying my best to catch up and continue to write, and I hope to post a new chapter soon. 

Sorry, I know I already posted this message on my message board, However I wanted to add a chapter to kind of rant a little and get off my chest some of the craziness that has been going on. So if you don't mind I kind of just need to vent a little...and if you do mind well, then just skip the rant and again, thank you for supporting this book!

*short-ish rant start*

My body hates me so much right now.

Not only did last week happen to be one of the busiest weeks of my life, my emotions  decided to also hop on to one hell of a roller-coaster ride.

Last week I had two sports to tryout for, one of which I am in love with so did not need to worry too much, but the other literally makes me so nervous that it drives me insane. I hadn't competed that sport for months, so I was super rusty and kept messing up. It didn't help that I was missing lots of tryout time for both sports because I would be running back and forth between their tryouts. Later in the week I felt so guilty because one of my best friends was having a break down and I couldn't be there to comfort her because I was at tryouts... T~T ...

During the week I was also required to attend various service group meetings which wasn't the worst that had happened, but with everything else, it just made things more difficult.

What was just equally as 'lovely' was having to prep for a pretty darn important test whilst completing assignments for one of my 'wonderful' teachers who decided to try killing her students the week of an important exam. How we performed on the exam could possibly determine what we'll be doing with our life in the future, so it would've been appreciated if we could focus on succeeding instead our teacher's homework...

My butt was getting kicked at tryouts and I've been running on extremely limited amounts of sleep for the past unknown-number-of-days, so my body and mind are just barely holding on.

The next few days aren't going to get any easier...and emotionally, I'm still trying to figure stuff out.. oh well (*_*)

It's just been ... a lot.

*rant end*

Well, thank you so much for putting up with me! Sorry if that seemed just really sad or me just complaining about stuff, I just needed to get it out because if I kept it all in I would've exploded. I might delete this chapter later, I'm not sure yet...

If you ever want someone to talk to or just get things off your chest like stress, sadness, or even talk about happy stuff, do not hesitate to PM me! I am always open for a conversation :)

Well, this isn't really the 1K reads celebration message I wanted to post but this all just happened while this book hit 1K reads. So ignoring everything I had said earlier, THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU GUYS FOR HELPING THIS BOOK REACH 1K READS!

I never expected to have received anywhere near this many reads or have had the opportunity to write for you all. Though my writing is still trash, I will be trying my best to continue to write and post chapters for you all. THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN FOR READING THIS BOOK AND I LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU ALL! <3

Thank you for reading another chapter (it's an A/N but you know what I mean) of mine and I hoped you enjoyed it.

Until Next Chapter! -

~ X_YamiKawaii_X

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