Chapter 8: Banana Peel

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*This chapter is pretty soft in comparison to the other chapter. Think of it as a bit of a breather or recovery from the previous chapter. This chapter is a shorter one, but I promise there will be more in the next chapter.*

It's a day later, after their post promotion meetings. The members are now allowed a break to just relax and do as they wish.

"Hey Jin, are you busy now?" Yoongi was standing right behind Jin who was playing Mario Kart on the monitor in front of him.

"Umm, its Jin hyung to you. But not really, I'm just getting my butt kicked by Jungkook and Taehyung right now..." Jin looked at the monitor fairly frustrated after having been beaten by the two boys again. They both heard the chuckles of mischievous  joy coming from Jungkook's room.

"Yeah, yeah, well Jin-hyung. If you aren't busy getting schooled by the maknae and alien can you do me favor?" Yoongi chuckled a little seeing his hyung get frustrated as he was forced into another round.

"AH! Taehyung I SWEAR! One more banana peel and you'll have to sleep with one eye open tonight!" Jin suddenly yelled back at the younger two as he spiraled into last again because of the banana peel Taehyung planted, laughing as he heard his eldest hyung get annoyed.

"Sorry, those two are being so rude to their elder right now, tisk, tisk. Anyway! What was it that you needed me to do? I can use it as an excuse to finally take a break from Jungkook and Taehyung's torture." Jin said with his eyes still glued to his monitor, trying to catch up from the banana peel incident.

"Oh, well um-, thanks I guess. I -" Yoongi was thankful for Jin's willingness to help but he suddenly felt nervous for what he was about to ask. "Can you um-, please call our doctor? I uh- was hoping he could, you know-, prescribe a liquid form of the pain medication instead. I um- can't swallow pills, I already tried and I uh- still can't do it." Yoongi's eyes avoided looking directly at Jin even though Jin was still looking at the monitor, not noticing how his second oldest member looks as if he just became smaller than he already was.

Yoongi preferred not to call the doctor himself because he wasn't very good with talking to other people and may end up turning into a stuttering mess or embarrassing himself, which often happened when he ordered food over the phone. He already had enough attention from his injury, he didn't need anymore for the reason of failing to make a simple phone call.

In all honesty, Yoongi would've liked to ask Jimin to call the doctor, being the member to accompany him to the appointment. However, Jimin was currently at the dance studio with Hoseok, finally having time to play around instead of practice their strict dance routines. Yoongi also figured that it might comfort Jin's motherly-side to be able to help with his injury. Jin being the responsible and amazing hyung he is, Yoongi could trust Jin to ask for the medication without teasing the him. Yoongi was really hoping he would be ok with this, he didn't want to chance being interrogated by the doctor about why he can't swallow pills.

"Oh, was that all? Phew, I was worried it was going to be something along the lines of Namjoon doing something destructive...again, especially since last time you asked for help like this was when Namjoon got drunk and accidentally trapped himself in one of the studios. (A/N: Maybe a story time for later? ;P) Thank goodness. Of course, I'll call the doctor and if Taehyung and Jungkook will let me get away from this agony-" Jin says as he just lost yet another round of Mario Kart against the two, "I'll be sure to pick up the prescription from the pharmacy." Jin said, turning on his chair, smiling kindly at Yoongi.

Yoongi smiled back at his hyung and thanked him. Yoongi then hobbled back out of the eldest's room on his crutches to go back to his bed, which currently screamed his name. Yoongi chuckled a little to himself as he heard Jin yell again, but instead at the maknae for placing yet another banana peel.

Did Yoongi kind of tell a few lies in that situation? Yeah, he did. In no world would Yoongi have even attempted to try swallowing the pill. He would've preferred to instead go without any of the medication at all. This is what he had told the members since the beginning so they wouldn't wonder too deeply about why he refused to take things like medication, especially pills. However, the medication also had an anti-swelling property which would be very useful at the moment because Yoongi's injury was swelling more than he ever thought it would. With the swelling also came waves of pain, like throbbing. They were worse than when he first got the injury, and he can even feel the new bruising that is being made at the moment.

He was experiencing this same pain the day before during their post-promotion meetings. He told himself that a night's sleep will hopefully help with the pain, but that obviously wasn't the case.

Unknowing to Yoongi who was trying to hide the fact that the pain from his ankle still bothered him, the members had all noticed how their grandpa had shifted many times during their meetings. Normally it's the younger members who usually move and play around and get jittery sometimes, while Yoongi always remained like a rock and was even found dosing off in some cases. To see Yoongi in such discomfort and kept awake due to the pain, made the others feel yet again worried for their tiny member.

Hoseok and Jimin returned later that day to find a Min Yoongi completely passed out on top of his bed, body awkwardly positioned because of the cast. But it was Min Yoongi. Yoongi could sleep anywhere, and at anytime.

Jin wasn't able leave the hell which was getting beaten by Jungkook and Taehyung at Mario Kart so he instead called Hoseok, asking him to pick up Yoongi's medication, since he had already asked the doctor and was told the liquid would be ready for pick-up soon. So as soon as the call was over, Hoseok and Jimin packed their things and made their way home, stopping at the pharmacy to pick up Yoongi's medication.


"NOT IF YOU SLIP ON THE PEEL BEFORE GETTING TO US!" yelled back by Jungkook, and was accompanied by hysterical laugher from Taehyung.

They both figured that Jin must have been loosing horribly. So Jimin and Hoseok chuckled to each other, placed the medication into the refrigerator, since it was a liquid, and raced off into the other member's rooms to watch their Mario Kart showdown.

*A/N: I am sorry this chapter is coming out so late. I meant to post this a day ago but life wants to be a butt and not let me write and upload my chapters on time. This chapter is more fun times between the members, and I wasn't sure where to put it but I just realized I didn't mention Namjoon, but he was in the studio, listening to his many jars of jams. :P But anyway, thank you for reading another chapter of mine and I hoped you enjoyed it!

Until Next Chapter! -
~ X_YamiKawaii_X

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