Chapter 9: Kang-Dae

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**Trigger warning: past abuse (verbal and physical), feels, bullying, derogatory slang, and whatever other trigger warnings I should have put down but didn't.**

**Please, please, PLEASE. If derogatory slang greatly offends you, it is highly recommended that you NOT read this chapter!**

**Under no circumstance do I personally support the use of derogatory slang. However, as an author I felt it was necessary for the development of this story.**

**Reader Discretion is Advised**


When Yoongi wakes up the next morning, it's not because of his annoying alarm, it's not because of a member banging on his door to wake up. It's very early in the morning, well before dawn. Because of their busy schedules, he was used to having to wake up early in the mornings and prepare for performances or appearances, so his body was still running on its own clock.

Now that it was finally time for their group to take a break, everyone had abandoned their promotion sleep schedules and instead preferred to sleep and get the hours they oh-so deserved. Well, everyone except Yoongi. He thought he was ready to embrace all the sleep he had missed, but his body wasn't ready to give in just yet.

So here Yoongi was, laying wide awake in his bed, well before dawn, nothing to really lull him back to sleep.

'Ughh. Why do I have to wake up so early...oww-'

Yoongi quietly winced in pain as the numbness from sleep began to ware off. He soon remembered again that his foot was injured and that he wasn't really doing anything to help it.

'Crap, that hurts a lot more than I remembered it did...Where's my phone?'

As he internally complained, he went in search for his phone as a way to hopefully distract himself from the pain or miraculously put him back to sleep. 

Upon finding his phone. Yoongi sees on the screen, as it lights up a text message.

'HI YOONGI-HYUNG! I know your sleeping now, but I wanted to let you know that Jin-hyung ordered your medication earlier today, so Jimin and I just came back from picking it up! The doctor said to just follow the directions on the bottle and to continue taking it easy until your ankle heals! Hope you are feeling better and please continue to rest up!   LUV - Hobi :P'

Yoongi read himself the message from his sunshine member. Yoongi always thought his optimism was cute, it always helped to lighten the darkest of situations.

Yoongi cleared the message and then made it his mission to find a way to hobble over to the fridge from his bed.

Slowly, but surely, Yoongi was able to make it up off his bed and to the fridge while still wobbly on the crutches. Upon opening the fridge door, Yoongi looked inside for his, now liquid, medication.

He finally found it with the doctor's instructions still attached.

After reading the instructions, Yoongi served himself the appropriate dosage as well as some large gulps of water to wash away the bitter taste. He soon hobbled back into bed where he was finally able to relax again.

The sun still hasn't risen, and all the members are all still deep asleep, when Yoongi had passed out yet again.

Normally Yoongi never passes out this quickly, but it had been so long since he had taken medication of any kind, that his body is very sensitive to the pain killer. The medication was doing wonders for his body, they were very effective in doing their job of easing the pain, with most movement becoming bearable. It was also a bonus that, because Yoongi's was so sensitive to the pain medication, he became sleepy easily. This drowsiness brought on by the medication is what was able to lull Yoongi back to sleep.

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