Chapter 8.5: Caramel

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*Story time chapter, so if you don't like these then don't read this. This is the story of how Namjoon trapped himself in a studio. : )*

After a long night of producing, the song the three had been working on has finally started to come together. They were exhausted, the song they had been working on proved to be harder and more time consuming than they would've liked. What was supposed to be a quick session in the studio to make a simple demo, turned into frustrating hours of mixing and recording and trying to make a decent sounding demo track to submit to Bang PD-nim.

It was very late into the night, pretty much early morning at this point, and Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon were finally done with their demo track.

They had made a mess of Yoongi's studio in their frustrated state of mind, so instead of going straight home, they decided it would be good to clean up a bit and have time to relax a little in the studio before they went back.

As Yoongi was busy saving the file on a hard drive, Namjoon went to work on ordering delivery for the three of them. Not many places were open at that hour, but Namjoon settled with ordering some pizza. While the two were busy with their tasks, Hoseok wandered around the studio, cleaning it up so they could relax without having to worry about the mess.

Hoseok was cleaning the studio and soon found a small shelf. 

"What's in this shelf...WOAH!" Hoseok exclaimed, earning the attention of the other two.

"Yoongi! I didn't know you had a stash of alcohol in your studio." Hoseok continued.

"Oh, what? That? Yeah." Yoongi's surprised expression now faded away, he seemed more calm now. "I keep that there for nights like these. You know, when the song get difficult to produce and I need a way to unwind." Yoongi continued, a small smile soon forming on his face. "So are you gonna just stare at the shelf or are you gonna bring some of it over here?"

Hoseok's face showed his surprise with Yoongi's calmness. It took a moment to register what Yoongi had said and when it hit, Hoseok chuckled a little and grabbed the first bottles he saw and brought them over to the coffee table.

Namjoon, though he was interested in hearing about the alcohol, he left in order to pick up the delivery in front of the company building.

Upon returning, he laughed a little seeing Yoongi and Hoseok talking about which bottle will be their choice of alcohol tonight. They weren't planning on getting wasted, so Hoseok kindly disagreed with Yoongi, who at first suggested some hard liquors, since his tolerance is the highest in the group.

They then settled on sharing a bottle of wine, since it wasn't too strong, but enough to give them that little "kick".

Their time together was always fun. After spending hours together, slaving over a song, they were all enjoying their little celebration. The three of them had all gotten a little tipsy, so for the majority of the time they were a giggling mess telling funny stories of themselves and the other members.

"Man I'm stuffed!" Hoseok said while stretching out his body, half of it laying on top of Yoongi who was next to him.

"Hey! Watch where you're swinging your legs, if you kick my stomach, I might just throw up pizza on you!" Yoongi responded, sending the group into a fit of giggles.

As Hoseok and Yoongi were talking more, Namjoon decided to go looking around the studio.

He wasn't sure what is was, but Namjoon eventually found himself in front of the bottle of liquor Yoongi had suggested earlier, but got rejected.

According to Hoseok, it was too strong for himself and Namjoon but in Namjoon's drunken stupor, he wanted to test this.


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