Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

"Ichigo..." I heard Rukia called out for me. I turn my head to look at her. She have a smirk on her face. "What?" I question. "By the look of your face... I'm guessing you've taken a liking to her" she said. I blushed deep red as she said that. "Don't talk nonsense! I just met her!" I yelled. "There's love at first sight..." She said, shrugging her shoulder. This makes me scowl, but I didn't say anything.

Am I really falling for her? Is this really love at first sight?

-Making Friends-


Today will be my second day in the school. I get up from my bed, then I make my way towards the bathroom for my morning routine.

It didn't take too long, just enough bath to make myself look presentable. Once I made sure I have everything with me. I left my apartment and head towards the school.

I heard someone calling out my name. I stop and turn around. The person manage to catch up. "Ichigo..." I said. He bent over, placing his hands on his knees as he try to catch his breath.

I raise my eye-brow at him. "Did you really run all the way here?" I ask. "Y-Yeah..." He said, still out of breath. I just wait until he regain his breathing. When he stand up straight, I turn around and start walking again.

"Hey! Wait up..." He said. I sigh and slow my pace, but continue on walking. "You could've just said so... That you want to walk together" I said, not looking at him. "Sorry..." He said. I just stay silent.

We talk as we walk. Well... He did most of the talking, while I just stayed silent... Just listen to what he's talking about. "You don't talk much, do you?" He finally said. I just shrug "I don't... Really have anything to say..." I said. He just hummed at me.

Soon we finally made it to school. We walk towards the class. I can feel his eyes glancing at me from time to time, but I just ignore him and continue walking.

When we get to class. I make my way to my seat and take a sit. Ichigo takes a seat in front of me. He straddle his chair as he face me. I raise my eye-brow at him. "Uhh... Shouldn't you be facing the front?" I ask. "I still want to talk to you... Beside the class haven't start yet" he said, smiling at me. I just stay silent.

"Why are you acting so cold?" He asks. "That's not something I want to talk about..." I said, as I look down. "Then... What do you want to talk about?" He ask. "Nothing..." I said, not looking at him. The bell rings and I can hear his chair creaking as he turn his body to face the front of the classroom.


It was now break time. Since I'm not really hungry, I just stay in class... Reading a book I've brought with me. There's nothing else I can do to pass time.

Then someone is standing next to me. I turn my head to see Ichigo. "What is it?" I asks. "Come and eat lunch with us..." He said. "Us?" I question. "Yeah... Me and my friends..." He said, pointing towards he door. I followed his hand to see his friends. The people I meet in the rooftop. Then I look back at him. "Sorry... But I'm not really hungry..." I said. "Sorry... But you don't have much of a choice anyway..." He said, grabbing my arm... Pulling me along with him. "What the... Hey! Let go of me!!" I said.

There's something different about this boy. For some reason, I can't fight him off. He's not a normal human. 'What is he?' I thought to myself as he continue to drag me along. "I can walk by myself... No need to drag me..." I said. He smiles at me and release my hand. I sigh and walk after him.

We reach the rooftop. I take a seat, leaning my back against the fence. "I see you've brought our new friend..." A girl with short black hair said. "Yeah... She refuse to come at first... But I just pull her along" Ichigo said, grinning at me. I just roll my eyes at him. 'Just what did I get myself into...' I thought to myself.

Everyone starts introducing themselves. The girl with a hair similar to Ichigo's, Orihime Inoue. A rather big guy, Yasutora Sado. A raven haired boy, Ishida Uryuu. Then the first girl commenting about me... Kuchiki Rukia.

I nod my head as they introduce themselves. I give them a small smile. I don't want to seem rude. "Pleasure to meet you... Well, you already know me... So no need further introduction..." I said.

Then we start to talk about random things. Well they did most of the talking, while I just lean my back against the fence as I listen to their conversation.

Just like earlier, when we are walking towards the class... I can feel a pair of eyes glancing at me from time to time. I sigh and turn my head, to look at the person. It's Ichigo. He instantly turn his head away from me, when he realise I'm looking back at him.

There's a tint of pink in his cheeks. I raise an eye-brow at him. This guy have been acting so strange around me lately. What is on his mind? Why would he act so shy around me? Tch... I don't have time to think about things like this.

"Y/N-San... You're not eating?" I heard Inoue said. I turn to her and shake my head "no... I'm not really hungry..." I said. "But it's lunch time, if you skip it... You'll be hungry in class... What is you lose focus on class?" She said. I look at her in surprise. No one has ever cared for me.

I smile at her. "I'll be fine... Thank you for your concern..." I said, softly. She smiles happily at me. Slowly I begin to talk more with everyone here. With just one thought inside my head.

Is this what friendship is?

*to be continued*

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