Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

I hug him back and let out a happy sigh. He did return my feelings after all. I lean my head into his chest. He caress my hair. "I love you, Y/N.." He said. I smile softly "I love you too, Ichigo..." I said.

A lot happens in a short amount of time... And it's not even close to half day... But doesn't matter... Ichigo and I are together now.

-Renji's Return-


I wake up with a smile on my face, as what happen yesterday came back to my mind. I can't believe Ichigo and I are a couple now.

I get up from my bed, then make my way to the bathroom for my daily routine... Starting with a shower.

After shower, I head back to my room. I grab my uniform from the wardrobe and put them on. Then continue getting ready with brushing my hair.

In the middle of brushing my hair, I heard a knocking sound on the front door. I finish it up. Then I head towards the front door. I open it to reveal Ichigo, my beloved boyfriend. He smiles at me "looks like you're ready..." He said. I smile at him "yeah..." I said. I step out of my apartment, locking it up behind me.

I turn around to see Ichigo offering his hand to me. "Let's go..." He said. I smile at him, placing my hand on top of his larger ones. We starts to walk toward the school.


In the middle of the lesson, Ichigo have to leave because his charm is calling out. I try to follow him, but he grab my shoulder and make me stay put.

It's now lunch time, there's still no sign of him. I'm getting worried. I wonder how his battle is going. I hope he's okay.

I wait for him to come back on the rooftop with the others. They are talking to each other, but I just stay silent... Leaning my back against the fence. My mind is on Ichigo and how is he right now.

Then the door to the rooftop opens. I look up to see a pretty beaten up Ichigo coming. Seeing his condition, I instantly stands up and run to him. I catch him before he fall to the ground. I place his head on my lap.

He just grins at me. I smile and caress his hair. "I'm guessing you've get rid of the hollow..." I said. "Yeah..." He said. He close his eyes and slowly drift off to sleep. The others is gathering around me. They are looking at me in shock. I just smile at them and look back down at the sleeping boy on my lap.

I notice there's a gash on his neck. I hesitate at first, but then I place my hand on the wound. I took out a leaf from my pocket and placing it on my lips, then I start to play a soft tune. My hand emitted a soft f/c. I smile as the gash starts to close up. Ichigo's face look peaceful as I continue to play.

Then I place the leaf back on my pocket. I look up to see everyone looking at me in shock. "H-how did you d-do that?" Inoue stutter out, still looking at me in shock. I smile at her and place my finger to my lips, signalling her to be quiet.

I look down at Ichigo who is still asleep. His face didn't hold any sign of pain. I'm guessing that's the only wound he have. I place my hand back on his head, caressing his hair softly. His lips twitch up, forming a small smile. Making a soft smile appear on my lips.

I woke Ichigo up, because we need to enter the next lesson. "Ichigo... Wake up..." I said. "Hm.. 5 more minutes..." He mumble. "Ichigo... We'll be late if you didn't wake up now" I said. He let out a huff and open his eyes.

He smiles at me and sit up. He turns to me and place a soft peck on my lips. I blush at this. He chuckles softly. He move to stand up and offers his hand to me. I place my hand on top of his and he pulls me up.

I heard someone clears their throat. I turn my head to see Rukia, looking at us with a smirk on her face. "What? Why are you looking at us like that?" I ask her. She looks at us back and forth, still with the same smirk on her face.

"Are you two together now?" She ask. I blush and turn my head to look at Ichigo. He pulls me closer to him. "Yes we are... You've got a problem with that?" He said, looking at Rukia with a raise eye-brow.

"What?! Since when?!" I heard someone else exclaim. I turn my head to see Renji. Who is kneeling on the fence looking at me. "Oh... Hi Renji" I said, smiling at him.

He jumps down "I just got back from the Soul Society because I heard you're safe, Y/N... This isn't something I was expecting to hear..." He said looking at me. I can see a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Since when are you going out with him?" He ask. "Since yesterday..." Ichigo said, walking up next to me.

"But you're missing two days ago..." He said, looking confused. "Renji... I was never missing, I manage to escape" I said. "H-how?" He said, looking shock. I sigh and place my hands on his shoulder. "I said this to Ichigo... So I'm gonna say it to you too... You'll know it when the right time comes..." I said, smiling up at him. Then I pull away and look at the others.

"Guys... Let's head back to class, we'll be late..." I said. They agree with me. I turn to look back at Renji. "I'll talk to you later, yeah?" I said. He nods his head "okay..." He said. I smile at him. Then I grab Ichigo's hand and head to class.

Renji P.O.V

'It looks like I stand no chance at all. She likes Ichigo from the start' I thought as I watch her walks away. Her hand is held by Ichigo. I just smile softly. Well... If he made her happy, then I'm gonna back off.

No matter how painful it is

*to be continued*

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