Chapter 6

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Previously on Chapter 5

But when I get there... they are no where in sight. I collapse on my knees and slam my fist on the ground. "Y/N!!!!!" I scream. Then I hunch down and start crying.

I can't believe it... She's gone... They have her... Don't worry Y/N, I'll save you

-Shock and Confession-

Ichigo P.O.V

I've been trying to locate her. But nobody know about her whereabouts. I ask Urahara-San for help, but even HE can't help me.

I can't sleep all night, trying to think of a way to get her back. I know it's only been a day, but who knows what can happen to her in that short amount of time. A lot of things... Then knowing her captor works for Aizen makes it even worse.

The others convince me to keep going to school so I won't raise any suspicion. It'll make things harder and I might not able to search for her at all. So I agree and prepare for today.

My dad comes tackling me as always. But I didn't dodge. I have no mood. The only thing on my mind is Y/N and where she is. I need her back. I can't lose her. I love her so much.

"I think my boy is in love with someone and is having a problem with her..." I heard my dad said. I didn't say anything. Just walk out of the house and head for school.

When I reach school. Keigo comes towards me, running as always. But I just move aside and let him slam into the wall. Then I walk inside the class. I take a seat in my usual spot. I cross my arms and place my head on top of it. Inoue, and Chad gathers around me to try and keep me calm. But I can't keep calm, knowing Y/N isn't with me... Knowing she could be in a real danger... Or worse... She could- no! I shouldn't be thinking about that. I let out a sigh. I really hope she's okay.

Then the door opens and close. I can hear gasp of shock from Inoue, Ishida, and Chad who is standing around me. But I just ignore them. It's probably nothing.

"Why are you looking gloomy, Ichigo?" I froze, hearing the voice I know so well. I look up to see Y/N looking at me with a soft smile. "Y-Y/N..." I stutter out.

"What's wrong?" She ask, concern is evident in her voice and expression. Is this really her? Is she really here? Is she really okay?


I wave my hand in front of his face. "Hello? Earth to Ichigo... Earth to" I said. He snaps out of it and looks at me wide-eyed. He instantly stand up and pulls me into a tight embrace.

Everyone in the class turn their attention to us. "Um... Ichigo, you're causing a scene..." I said, patting his back slightly. He pulls away from the hug and wipe his cheeks.

The bell rings and every student scramble to their seats. I take a seat in my usual spot, behind Ichigo. I lean forward "we'll talk again later, 'Kay?" I said. He turns his head slightly and nod at me.

Ichigo P.O.V

'It's really is her...' I thought to myself. A smile appears on my face. I let out a breath of relief. She's okay. That's all that matters to me... But how did she manage to made it out? I'll have to ask her that later.



It's time for lunch. As soon as the bell rang, Ichigo grabs my hand and pulls me with him... Which shocks everyone by his sudden change of behaviour. Everyone knew him as someone calm, but I guess today is a different story. So I just stay silent and let him pull me along.

We came to a stop behind the school, just like when I meet Renji for the first time. He stops and turns to hug me again. "I'm so glad you're okay... I thought... I-I'm gonna l-lose you..." He said, as his shoulder begin to shake a little. I feel my shoulder getting soaked. That's when I realise... Ichigo is crying.

I wrap my arms around his torso. I rub circle on his back gently. I just stay silent as I wait for him to calm down.

I try pull away once I make sure Ichigo is calm enough, but he didn't let me... He tighten his hug, not wanting to let me go. As if he's afraid I might disappear if he did.

"Ichigo... I'm not going anywhere... I'm right here..." I said. He stays silent and keep me in his arms. "I don't want to lose you, Y/N..." He said, his voice is shaky... As if he's trying to hold himself from crying again.

"I promise I'm not going anywhere... I'm okay, Ichigo... You don't have to worry so much..." I said, in a very gentle voice. He sighs and pulls away from me.

He cups my cheek. "How did you manage to get out of his grasp?" He ask. I place my hands on top of his, which is still on my cheeks. I smile at him.  "You'll know when the time is right..." I said. He sighs and nod his head. Then he pulls me into another hug.

He sighs "I love you, Y/N..." He said. I froze hearing what he said. It seems like he isn't planning to say that... Because as soon as those 3 words left his mouth, he became tense and pulls away in a quick motion. The first thing I see is his cheeks, which is really red... due to his sudden confession. "U-um... I..." He said, rubbing his neck nervously.

Then he sighs "well... I already said it... And you already heard it... There's nothing I can do about it now..." He said, looking away from me. I let out a giggle at his attempt to cover it up.

He looks at me and his blush deepens. "Don't laugh at me..." He grumbles. "Okay... Okay... I'm not gonna laugh at you..." I said.

Then suddenly.... he seems to gain a lot of courage. He leans his face really close to mine. I can literally feel his hot breath on my lips. He gaze down at my lips, then up to my eyes. "Do you feel the same?" He said. Now it's my turn to blush. "Well? Don't leave me hanging... You already know my feelings" he said. Instead of answering, I lean up and place a soft kiss on his lips.

He makes a sound of surprise. Then he relax and wrap his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck, tilting my head to deepen the kiss.

We pull away for air. He leans his forehead against mine and smile. "I take that as a yes..." He said. I just smile at him. Then he peck my lips and cup my cheeks. "Will you be mine?" He said. I smile and nod my head happily. He grins and pulls me into a hug.

I hug him back and let out a happy sigh. He did return my feelings after all. I lean my head into his chest. He caress my hair. "I love you, Y/N.." He said. I smile softly "I love you too, Ichigo..." I said.

A lot happens in a short amount of time... And it's not even close to half day... But doesn't matter... Ichigo and I are together now.

*to be continued*

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