Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

Unknown P.O.V

'Well... Well... Well... It looks like I've found the substitute shinigami's weakness. This will be a great information for the boss' I thought as I start to laugh. Then I leave the place. I need to get this information to the boss.

The substitute Shinigami have a weakness... That girl will be the key to his downfall.

-Abarai Renji-


Today is Monday. Time for school. I wake up early, so I could have time to get ready. I head to the bathroom for my shower.

After shower, I head towards the wardrobe and take out my uniform. I put it on. Then I walk to the dressing table and start brushing my hair. I try to get rid of all the knot and tangles.

Once I make sure everything is ready. I grab my bag, then I leave my apartment. I don't really eat breakfast... Well, I don't eat anything in general.

As I walk, I hear someone calling out for me. I pause and turn around. The person caught up to me. He smiles "Morning, Y/N..." He said. I smile at him. "Morning, Ichigo..." I said. Then we continue our way together to school. I can feel his eyes on me from time to time, but I just stay silent.

Ichigo P.O.V

I kept stealing glances towards Y/N from time to time. I can't help it... She's just so beautiful. She's almost like an angel.

I have a feeling she notice my stare. But she just ignores me. What should I do to gain your attention, Y/N? I'll do anything... If that means I get to have your attention.



We finally made it to class. "I~chi~go!!!" I heard someone. I turn around to see Keigo, running towards Ichigo, which he lift his hand and let Keigo hit his hand.

"You don't have to be so mean..." I said. Keigo sprung up and hugs me. "Awww~ Y/N-Chan!! You're so nice!!!" He said. Ichigo stares at him with a tick mark on his head. While I just stay silent, laughing awkwardly.

The bell rang, which means class is about to start. I pry Keigo off from me. I walk towards my seat. Ichigo takes a seat in front of me.

In the middle of the lesson. I notice something is jumping up and down outside the window. I turn my head towards it. Well... Now that I see it... It's more like a person.

A guy... With long red hair and a tattoo. How did he jump so high? Then I look at his outfit. I see... He's a Shinigami, just like Ichigo.

"who is he?" I say to myself in a quite voice. It seems Ichigo heard it, because he turn his head to look at me. Then he follows my gaze and turn to look outside. A visible tick mark appear on his head.

The guy gave him a grin. Ichigo stand up "what are you doing here, teme?!" He yelled out. But apparently normal human can't see the guy. It makes him look like an idiot. He looks around, looking embarrassed.

Then he takes a seat. But I can see his shoulder tense. I place my hand on my lips, as I try to stop myself from laughing.

The bell rings. Ichigo instantly stands up. Then he run outside. I got curious, so I get up as well and run after him.

I found him behind the school, with the same guy. I run towards them. "Seriously Ichigo... Why did you run off like that?" I said. Then I turn to the guy. "And you... Please don't bother people while they are on lessons..." I said. He looks shock. Then he walks towards me.

He leans his face really close to mine. "You can see me?" He said. "Move away please... Ever heard of personal space? And yes... I can see you... Crystal clear..." I said. He take a couple of step back.

He cross his arms. He stares at me with an amuse grin. "Interesting... It's rare for a normal human to be able to see us... Can she see you as well?" He said, looking at Ichigo. Ichigo shrugs his shoulders. He turn his head to look at me. There's a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"I never really transform in front of her... But she already knew who I am" he said, his eyes is still on me. "Really? Interesting..." The guy said with a nod. I roll my eyes at him. "Who are you anyway?" I said.

"Oh! I'm Abarai Renji... Lieutenant of squad 6" he said proudly. I just respond with a hum. He walk over to me. "What about you? What's your name?" He said. "L/N Y/N..." I said. "I see... It is a pleasure to meet you, Y/N..." He said, with a soft smile. I blush and look away from him. I didn't realise someone is staring at us with an annoyed expression.

Ichigo P.O.V

Tch... Look at him. How did he get so close with her... They just met! Wait... Why am I even annoyed by it.

Maybe what Rukia said is true... Maybe I did like her. What should I do to get her to notice me? I'm gonna have to ask Rukia about it. She seems to understand about this kind of things.



School is over, it's time to go home. Ichigo will be walking me home. But Renji decided to tag along. Ichigo kinda looks annoyed by it. Why would he be?

Anyway... We are on our way to my apartment. As we walk, Renji kept asking me about myself along the way. I answer him quietly. But I can feel someone else's gaze on me. I turn my head slightly and caught Ichigo looking away in a fast motion, there's a tint of pink in his cheeks. I just smile at him and continue walking.

I finally reach home. I unlock the door. Then I turn to the boys and smile at them. "Thank you for walking me home..." I said. Ichigo smiles at me. "You're welcome, Y/N..." He said.

Renji walks over to me. He grab my hand and brought it up to his lips. He place a soft kiss on the back of my hand. "Have a good rest, Y/N..." He said. I blush again at his attempt to flirt.

I pull my hand away and enter my room. I lock the door behind me. I make sure they left, then I head up to my room. I lean my back against the door. 'What the heck just happen?!' I think to myself.

Ichigo P.O.V

Once we are far from Y/N's apartment. I turn to Renji and grab him by the collar. "What was that?! why did you flirt with her?!" I yell into his face. He looks at me with a smirk. "Why? Are you jealous? You like her, don't you? Better be fast, before I steal her from you... I may say, I've taken a liking to her..." He said. I growl in annoyance. I push him off "keep your distance away from her" I demand.

He stand straight and cross his arms. "Who are you to tell me what to do? Just hurry up and ask her out, before I did..." He said. Then he left me, fuming.

I calm myself down and look up at the sky. The stars start to come out. I sigh 'he's right... I'm gonna have to ask her out soon... But what should I do? Did she even like me that way?' I thought to myself. I let out another sigh and turn around. I start to head home. With only one thought on my mind.

What should I do to win her heart?

*to be continued*

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