Chapter 12

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Previously on Chapter 11

I don't know why it hurt so much... I don't feel anything when I kill them. So why? Why now? Why did my emotions have to surface now? It makes me look weak in front of the others.

But I can't help it.... It hurt so much



I don't know why... But I have the feeling as if someone is watching me. I know for sure that there IS someone. But who could that be? For some reason, I can't sense them. But I can feel that they are around me.

I didn't tell Ichigo about it, because knowing him... He would be too worried and I don't want to bother him with my problem... He need to focus on his duty as a Shinigami. He don't have time to worry about my problem.

I'm currently on my way home. Inoue is with me, Ichigo is on Hollow hunting duty as usual. So he can't walk me home. But I'm not gonna complain. It's his job.

Inoue keeps talking to me, but I'm don't really respond to her. I keep glancing around me as I can feel someone is there.

"Y/N-Chan... Are you listening?" I heard Inoue said. I turn to her. "Sorry... What was that?" I said, sheepishly. "I'm asking you if you want to go to the mall with me..." She said. I really can't shake the feeling of being watch. I think it'll be best if I stay indoor, until Ichigo comes back.

I look at Inoue apologetically. "Um... I'd love to... But I'm not really feeling well..." I said, which is obviously a lie. But I got nothing else to say as a reason.

Her expression turn into worry. "Are you sick?" She said. I place my hand on my heads as an act. "Maybe, I'm just a little dizzy..." I said. "Do you want me to heal you?" She said. I shake my head "this is just a normal sickness... You don't have to waste your power on me... I only need to rest..." I said with a soft smile on my face. "I see... I'll walk you home then..." She said, with a soft smile on her face. "Thank you, Inoue..." I said. She just nod her head, then she walks me home.

Soon enough, I reach my apartment. I turn to Inoue and smile. "Thank you for walking me home, Inoue..." I said. She smiles and nods her head at me. "anything for a friend... Well, I'll get going now... Bye! Get well soon, " she said, waving at me. I wave back and watch as she leave.

I sigh and close the door. Knocking it behind me. Then I sense it. Someone is here with me. I look around my apartment. "Come out! Who ever you are... I know you're there..." I said. I heard chuckles coming. Then a figure appear.

It's a guy and from the way he's dressing. He's on of the Arrancar. He smirks as he looks at me. I just glare at him. Standing up in a battle stand.

"You truly are something... Nobody can sense me so well after I hide my reiatsu" he said. "I am stronger than you think.... Now... What do you want? Why do you keep following me?" I spat.

"My boss wants you... He said you'll be a good use to our group..." He said. "Like hell I want to come with you... I refuse to let any of you use my ability for your dark purpose!" I said. "Well, you don't have a choice..." He said. He raise his hand, which holding a sword. Then he swung his sword down at me. I jump out of the way. I run out of the house.

The last time I use my ability, I become sick for weeks. I'm still not fit enough to use it either. I don't have a choice but to run away.

Ichigo P.O.V

An Arrancar appears and start attacking me. I fight him off as best I could. But I know that I am not strong enough.

The guy fighting me starts laughing as I pant. I glare at him. "What are you laughing about?" I spat. He smirks at me. "Why? Don't you realise it yet? You really are suck at sensing spiritual pressure..." He said. Now that he said that... I do sense another spiritual pressure somewhere close by.

"That person must be one of you! Why did you keep attacking us?" I said, pointing my sword at him. He place his sword on his shoulder as he smirks even more.

"This time we have a mission to fetch someone Aizen claims will be a great use for us" he said. I look at him confused. Then what he said next made me froze.

"The Fallen girl..." He said. "Don't you dare lay a hand on her! I'll kill you" I yelled at him. He smirk "I get it... She's your girlfriend. Too bad, our member probably have her by now..." He said.

Then I hear an explosion close by. His face turn into anger. "Or not... Man, that girl is really a nuisance..." He said. "Don't talk about her like that!" I scream at him. But I don't have time for this. I turn around and run towards the sound of explosion.

I saw her running away as one of the Arrancar is chasing her. She notice me. Her face shows relief. "Ichigo!" She scream. I land in front of her and pull her into a hug. "Are you okay?" I said. "I'm okay..." She said, nodding her head. The one pursuing her landed in front of us. I push her behind my back. "What do you want with her?" I demand.

"I'm sure he already told you... Our boss wants her to join us..." He said. I clench my fist. "Like hell I will let him have her!" I scream. Then I start fighting him.


Ichigo starts fighting them. All I could do is watch them. Please be okay, Ichigo... I don't want you to get hurt.

Ichigo ends up seriously injured. One of them holds him by the hair. "Let him go!" I scream. They just laugh at me. "We will let him go... On one condition..." One of them said. I clench my fist.

"come with us... Or I'll kill him..." He said, as he place his sword on his neck. My eyes widen at this. "Don't hurt him, please..." I plead at them. "Then come with us..." The other said. I look at Ichigo with tears in my eyes.

"N-no... Y/N... P-please... Don't d-do this... You can't leave me... Please..." He said, begging at me. "Ichigo... I'm so so sorry... I-I don't have a c-choice... I c-can't let t-them hurt you..." I said as tears begin to stream down my eyes. "No..." He plead. "Shut up!!" One of them yelled, then hit him in the head... Which knocks him out.

"Don't hurt him!!" I scream at them. "We only make sure he wouldn't be following us..." One of them said. I just look down as they opened the portal. I walk forward to Ichigo.

I kneel down next to him. I cradle him in my arms, giving him a tight hug. "I'm so sorry... I love you, Ichigo..." I said, placing a soft kiss on his lips. Then I pull away, only to place another soft kiss on his forehead.

Then I place him down gently. I heal his wound so it won't be life threatening anymore. Then I get up. I follow the two Arrancar towards the portal. Before it close completely. I turn around to look at Ichigo one last time.

Goodbye, Ichigo...

*to be continued*

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