Chapter 15

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A/N: sorry I haven't been updating this book. I'm making craft. Some friendship bracelets to be exact. I plan on selling them.

What do you think? Are they pretty? It takes me a while, but the results is worth it

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What do you think? Are they pretty? It takes me a while, but the results is worth it... Don't you think? Now Let's get to the story!


Previously on Chapter 14

"You're power as a Fallen only works for me now... You can only do as I say... You can't use it to attack me anymore..." He said, still with the same smirk on his face. I clench my hand in a tight fist.

-You Shouldn't Be Here-

Ichigo P.O.V

After a month full of training, I'm finally ready to go. I will get my girl back. No matter what it takes... I will get Y/N back or I'll die trying.

Urahara-San will help me open the portal to their world. "Are you sure you're ready?" He asks me. "Yeah! I'm positive... I'm not waiting any longer. I need to get her back" I said. He sighs "just be careful... Think before you act. Don't be hustle..." He said. I nod my head at him "okay... I got it... Thank you for all the training..." I said. He smiles at me. "Good luck out there, yeah?" He said. I nod my head and smile.

He opens the portal. I step forward, ready to enter. But I stop when I hear someone calling out for me. I see the rest of the gang. I stare at them in surprise. "You guys... What are you doing here?" I ask. "We can't let you go on your own, Kurosaki..." Ishida said. "Yeah... Besides, Y/N-Chan is our Friend. We want to help and get her back..." Inoue said. Chad just nod his head at me.

"Don't forget us!" Someone said from above us. The person landed in front of us, followed by another person. "Rukia! Renji!" I said, surprise by their appearance. Renji smiles at me. "Yo!" He said, waving his hand at me.

"We're here to help too" Rukia said. I smile at both of them. I'm grateful they are willing to help me.

Then we turn around and enter the portal. I feel cold breeze blowing pass me, when we appear on a place. "Is this Hueco Mundo?" I ask, looking around.

"Seems like it..." Rukia said. We start walking towards a building we saw. Then a couple of people appear in front of us. One of them is the guy who attacked me, the night I lost Y/N.

"You!" I growl, pointing my Zanpakuto at him. He smirks at me. "You got guts to come here" he said. "Give Y/N back!" I said. He crossed his arm, looking at me with a bored expression.

"Why should I? Besides... She's where she's belong..." He said, completely unfazed. "No! She belongs in the land of living... With me!" I scream at him.

I was about to advance at him. But someone else come. It's Aizen. I growl at the sight of him. I can feel anger flowing inside me. "What do you want with Y/N?! Give her back!" I yell.

"She came her at her own free will..." He said. "No! You threaten her!" I scream. He sends his minion at me. Threatening Y/N they'd kill me if she didn't come with them.

"Talk to her yourself..." He said, moving aside to reveal someone behind him. "Y/N..." I said, my eyes widened at the sight of her. She looks different. She looks like one of them. She looks like Arrancar.


"What are you doing here, Ichigo?" I said. He have tears in his eyes. He steps forward and his hand is reaching out for me. "You shouldn't be here... Leave... Now!!" I scream. I can't believe it. I can't believe he came here.

"But-" he said. I lift my hand, stopping him from talking any further. "Shut up! And leave!! I don't want to see you here! You don't belong here! You're just an intruder... Leave! Before I make you!" I unsheathe my sword and point it at him.

"I won't hesitate to kill you, Ichigo..." I said, my hand are trembling. I don't wanna hurt him. But I can't control it. I can't control what I said... Or my action. He have to leave. I don't want to hurt him. Please, Ichigo... You have to go.

Ichigo P.O.V

I can see her struggling. She's not in control of her own body. "P-please... Leave... Get out of here... Go back to the land of living, where you belong..." She said, her eyes turning back to normal.

"You belong there with me..." I said. She shake her head. "Leave Ichigo!" She screams. "No! I won't go anywhere... Not without you!!" I said back. She starts trembling. "P-please... Leave, Ichigo... I don't wanna hurt you..." She pleads. I shake my head and stood my ground.

"Finish him off..." Aizen said. Her eyes turns dark and she starts attacking me. I jump back and block every attacks she send towards me.

"Fight back, Ichigo... Or you're going to get killed" I heard Rukia said. "I can't! I don't wanna hurt her!" I said back. "But if this goes on, you're gonna get killed!" She said. "I don't care!" I scream.

"Y-Y/N... Please fight back... I know you can..." I said. She didn't say anything, she just keep attacking me. I jump back each attack. I won't fight back, it'll risk hurting her.

She stops and I can see her struggling to gain control. "R-run, Ichigo..." She said. "No... I'm not gonna run! I won't stop... I'll get you back!! No matter what it takes!" I scream at her. "I-Ichigo..." She said. Tears are streaming down her face.

She clutch her head in her hand. "Stop it!!" She screams. "That's right!! Fight it, Baby... I know you can!!" I said, trying to encourage her to fight back.

Her eyes turns black. "How foolish..." She said. Then she lung forward. She stabs me in my stomach. I spit out some blood.


My eyes turns back to normal. "Ichigo..." I said in complete shock. I can't believe I just stabbed him.

I drop my sword and cradle him in my arms. I start to cry. "I-I'm so sorry... I-I didn't mean to h-hurt you..." I cried out. "It... It's okay... You didn't mean to... I k-know that..." He struggles to say.


*to be continued*

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