Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

Renji P.O.V

'It looks like I stand no chance at all. She likes Ichigo from the start' I thought as I watch her walks away. Her hand is held by Ichigo. I just smile softly. Well... If he made her happy, then I'm gonna back off.

No matter how painful it is

-Meeting Ichigo's Family-


Ichigo and I have been dating for a while. He's being really sweet. I'm so glad that he felt the same way as I do. I'm so lucky.

Inoue hates me when she first find out about us. But she's accept it now. She has become one of my closest friend. Which I'm glad... The last thing I want... Is to make enemies.

I'm walking to school in silent. I woke up too early to go back to sleep, so I decide to walk for a while to pass time.

Soon enough, I reach school. As I walk along the school hall, someone hugs me from behind. "Good morning! Y/N-Chan!!" The person said. I turn my head slightly to see its Keigo. I smile at him, "good morning..." I said. Then I feel a dark aura coming from behind me. I turn around to see Ichigo.

Keigo instantly pulls away from me. Ichigo looks at him with an annoyed expression. He walks towards me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I nudge him softly. He turn his head to look at me.

"He's just being friendly... No need to act so harsh..." I said. His eyes soften and sigh, then he turn his head to look at Keigo... Who is still shaking in fear. "Sorry Keigo..." He said. Keigo just laugh nervously.

Then we walk towards the class. Ichigo still have his arm around my shoulder. "Ichigo... This is school... Don't do that" I whispers to him. "Hm? Do what,Y/N?" He said. I gesture towards his arm. "Okay..." He said, removing his arm, but he steal a kiss... Which makes me blush. "Ichigo!" I scold him. He just laugh and make his way to his seat. I shake my head, as I make my way to my seat.

Everyone else in the class is watching our exchange. Inoue is looking at me with a smile, though I can see the pain in her eyes. She still having a hard time accepting the fact that I'm the one dating Ichigo.

The bell rings. Soon the teacher walks in and the class begins. I take out my book and a pen as I begin to take notes.


Before we know it... It's time to go home. There is nothing really special going on. No attacks or whatsoever.

I tidy up my stuff. Ichigo is sitting in his seat, side-ways... So he can watch me as I clean up my stuff. He watch in silent, but I can feel a smile on his face.

I finally finish. I look up at Ichigo and smile. He smiles back and stand up. "Are you done?" He ask. "Yeah..." I said. He offers his hand to me. "Let's go then..." He said. "Sure..." I reply, placing my hand on top of his.

Then we walks out of the classroom. Then Ichigo suddenly stops, he turn to look at me. "What's wrong?" I question. "I almost forgot..." He said. I look at him confused. "Are you busy tonight?" He said. "No... Why?" I ask. "Do you want to come to my house for dinner?" He ask. "Why so sudden?" I ask, looking at him with a surprise expression. "I just want to introduce you to my family..." He said. "Oh... Yeah. Sure" I said. "Okay!!" He said, happily. I just giggle at his cherry behaviour.

He walks me to my house. I open the door and let him in. "Wait in the living room as I prepare myself, okay?" I said. He nods his head at me. I smile and peck his lips. Then I walk toward my room.

I head for the shower first. I relax myself as I let the warm water wash over my body. I don't want to keep Ichigo waiting, so I quickly finish up my shower. Then I head back to my room. I open the wardrobe and try to think for a good outfit.

I'm not really girly... What kind of girl did his father like? What if he didn't like me? What if his sisters hate me?? The more I let myself think about that... The more panic I became. I take a deep breath and try to keep myself calm. I can't think if I'm panic.

I decide to just be myself. Since its Ichigo's father, they would have a similar taste... Oh well... Hopefully.

(Second from the right

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(Second from the right... Will be your outfit)

I walk over to the mirror and observe myself. 'I hope his Father will like it' I thought to myself. Then I brush my hair, deciding to put it up in a h/s (hair style). Once I'm done, I give myself a nod of approval. I think I look good.

Then I grab my purse. I walk out of my room and head towards the living room. He's sitting there, reading a magazine. I clear my throat to gain his attention.

He turn around to look at me. Then there's a blush appear in his face. I look down to my feet. "Well? Do I look okay?" I ask. "Okay? Y/N... You look adorable... Beautiful" he said. I look up at him and smile.

He walks to my side and offers his elbow. "Let's go" he said. I smile and loop my arm around it. He place a soft kiss on my forehead. Then we walk out of my house.

Then we start walking towards the direction of his house. It didn't take long, as it's only two blocks down from where I lived. So before we know it, we already reach there.

Ichigo opens the door. I jump when out of no where, someone comes kicking Ichigo on the face. I just sweat-dropped at this. Turns out it was his dad.

Ichigo who have fallen after being kicked by his father, stands up and take a deep breath. "You are lucky I'm in a good mood today, Dad..." He said. Then he moves aside, to reveal me. "This is Y/N... My girlfriend..." He said, placing his hand on my shoulder. I bow at his father "nice to meet you, Mr. Kurosaki..." I said. "Just call me Isshin..." He said. "O-okay... Isshin-San..." I said, smiling nervously.

Ichigo lets me in. Then he leads me towards the dining room. There I see two young girls. "Yuzu... Karin... This is the girl I've always been talking about... Y/N. Y/N... They are my little sister" he said, introducing us. Yuzu looks up at me. "She's beautiful, Icchi-Nii... Almost like an angel" she said. I froze a little at the mention of angel. But I quickly mask it off. "T-thank you, Yuzu-Chan..." I said. She smiles at me.

Everyone takes a seat on the dining table. I sit next to Yuzu, because she wants to. Ichigo just agree because she's giving him the puppy dog eyes. Then the dinner begins.

We talk as we eat. Isshin keep asking me about random things. I just smile as I answer him. Is this what it's like to be a part of a family? I've been alone for a long time... That I forgot what it's like to have family. It's so good to be here... I can finally feel what's it like to be a part of a family... And I'm so happy about it. I'm so glad I get to meet Ichigo.

*to be continued*

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