Chapter 16

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Previously on Chapter 15

I drop my sword and cradle him in my arms. I start to cry. "I-I'm so sorry... I-I didn't mean to h-hurt you..." I cried out. "It... It's okay... You didn't mean to... I k-know that..." He struggles to say.




Ichigo loses his conscious in my arms. I place my hand on his chest, I feel his heartbeat. But it's faint. He's barely alive.

I feel anger flowing inside me, as I keep my head down. My bangs are covering my eyes. "Finish him off!" I heard Aizen said. But I just ignore him.

I place Ichigo down gently. I slowly rise up to my feet. "Inoue... Please heal Ichigo..." I said with my head down. She run forward to him and start doing her healing.

I turn to Aizen, still not looking up. "Did you hear what I said? I said finish him?!" He yell at me. I didn't answer him.

I look up slightly to see anger in his face. But that didn't scare me, not one bit. "Did you hear me?! Fini-" I cut him off by appearing behind him. I kick him, sending him flying and crash into the wall... Which creates a huge crack.

Ichigo P.O.V

I finally gain my consciousness. My eyes are still blurry. But I can make out shapes of the people around me.

Soon my eyes finally clears. I saw Y/N kicking Aizen with full force, which makes him to slam into the wall. My eyes widened in shock. She's going against Aizen.

Light starts to come out from her body. I have to cover my eyes slightly because of how bright it was.

Then the light died down. I open my eyes to see Y/N in her Fallen form. My eyes widened even more, she broke through Aizen's control. How did she do that??


I'm in my Fallen form. Aizen have no control on me anymore. I broke through it. I'm a lot stronger than he is... So if he thinks I'd give in easily, then he's dead wrong.

He get up and look at me wide-eyed. "H-how d-did you?" He stutter. I smirk at him. "You have no control of me anymore... All your effort is a waste... I'm far more stronger than you" I said. "But it was working before! So what's different from now?" He said, clearly out of idea. I just shrug my shoulders. "I don't know about that... Probably because my desire to fight back is low, knowing that you can hurt Ichigo and the others... But not anymore... I'll kill you even before you could lay a hand on any of them..." I said, glaring at him.

I raise my hand and form a sword from ice. I grip on it tightly. Then I start lunging forward. I use my full speed, that all you feel is breeze. I appear in front of him and stab him.

"Prepare to die!" I said. I pull the sword out and slam it back on his chest. He cough out some blood at the impact.

I harshly pull the sword. His breathing slowed, until he stops breathing. I just look down at him, without any remorse. I release my sword, letting it turn into water.

My form turn back to normal, as I start to feel the exhaustion taking over. I drop on my knees and fall to my side. Everything slowly turning dark. I just give in to it, letting myself fall into abyss.


I woke up to find myself in a room. 'Isn't this Urahara-San's shop?' I thought to myself as I recognise the colours and furniture.

I groan and try to sit up. I clutch my head as I feel an intense headache. I feel someone place a hand on my shoulder. "Easy... You just woke up..." The person said. My vision cleared to see Ichigo, with a worry expression on his face. 

"Ichigo..." I said. He smiles softly at me. "I'm so glad you're okay..." He said. I throw my arms around his neck. "I'm so sorry... I can't control myself... I almost killed you... I'm s-sorry... I'm so so sorry!" I cried out. He wraps his arms on my waist. He caress my hair softly, letting me cry into his chest.

"I know... I know that you never meant to hurt me... You are in no control... I'm so happy that you regain control... I'm so happy that you are able to fight back..." He whispers. I didn't say anything, I just continue to hug him tightly as I continue to cry.

Once I calm down, I pull away and look at him. I cup his cheeks in mine to make sure that I'm not dreaming... To make sure that he really is alive.

Ichigo seems to realise what I'm doing. He let out a soft chuckle as he places his hand on top of mine. "I'm okay, Y/N... I'm still here..." He said. A tear escape my eyes. "I'm so glad..." I said. He wipe the tears away and pulls me into a kiss. I kiss him back softly, wrapping an arm around his neck and another on his chest.

He lay me down on my back as he hovers above me. This time both of my arms are around his neck.

We pull away to breathe. He leans his forehead against mine. "I love you, Y/N... I'm so happy that I get to have you back..." He said. I smile at him and peck his lips. "I love you too... It's good to be back..." I said. He smiles and lean in for another kiss.

The door slide open to reveal the rest of the guys. I try to pull away but Ichigo didn't let me. I squeak when he continues to kiss me with so much passion.

"Ichigo... Everyone is watching..." I try to say as he continue to kiss me. I heard a chuckle. "Oh my Gosh... Ichigo... Let her breathe will you?" I recognise the voice. Ichigo finally pulls away and turn to glare at the person interrupting us.

"You're just jealous, Renji..." He said, smirking at the red haired guy... Who blushes and looks away from us, which earns a chorus of laughs from everyone else. I just giggle as Ichigo turns to me for another kiss. I heard a groan and the sound of footstep as Renji walks away. I giggle in between kiss as everyone else watch us with a soft smile.

It's so good to be back...

*to be continued*

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