Chapter One

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I slam my hand down almost missing the button on the clock. I open my eyes to the sun beaming through the curtains. I feel the warmth on my skin that makes me want to stay in bed forever. As I squint my eyes I think about what my first day at my new school will be like. Most likely crazy I chuckle. I had just moved away from my home town and I knew that it was time for a fresh start, new beginnings.

"KAYYLEEE! Get your butt out of bed! Or you are gonna be late for your first day at your new school!" My mom yells.

"Yeah I got it mum, I am getting up."

I drag myself out of bed and I look back down at my clock realizing that I only have about thirty minutes to get ready and catch the bus to get to school. Not worrying about what I look like, I slide across the floor into to my closet. I throw on my favourite outfit my mom jeans, and my oversized hoodie. Quickly I am dressed putting on mascara and my hair up in a messy bun.

"Oh God!" I take a look at my messy bun and it seems to be falling out all over the place, but at this point I don't have time to fix it. Like its suppose to be messy! I run down stairs to see my mom and dad eating breakfast. My eyes light up and I cant believe it. They are eating my favourite breakfast, generally reserved for weekends.  

Mom pipes up "It's your  favorite breakfast, nothing better for your first day than good old eggs, bacon, and toast,  It's the best way to start the day."

"Thanks so much mum! You really didn't have to make all of this."

"No worries! I just wanted your day to start off on a good note!"

I smiled at her as I pulled out my chair at the table. I pick up my fork and I stopped for a second only to realize that my older brother Luca was not in his chair. I jumped out of my seat and ran to Luca's room banging on his door.

I look around with a mischievous look on my face.

"LUCA" I yell.

"WHAT?" He yells back tiredly.

"Come eat breakfast with me before it gets cold or before I eat it all."

"I already did, now go away!"

I sit back down at the table I eat my breakfast alone but within a few short minutes, there I was waiting at the door with Luca.

"Mom, Dad, See ya when we get home."

Mom is beaming from ear to ear like it was our first day of school. "Okay, you two have a great day!  Bye!"

Both Luca and I make our way down the stairs with our heads in the clouds. Thinking and wondering what our new school would be like. It's normal to question what it would be like, and question would it be good or bad. Hopefully this would be a good experience, but I was scared because of what happened at my last school. I used to get bullied so much that we had to move away. I just really hope I won't have to deal with all that all over again. The bus pulls up and Luca and I are forced back to reality. Stair by stair, we both are holding our breath, these would be our first steps toward a brand new scary experience.

Terrified to lock stares with anyone else I look quickly at all the people trying to find an empty seat that I could share with my brother. 

"Luca sit here with me."

He gave me a gaze like he would rather be just about anywhere than sitting in the same seat as his lame sister. He did though, but not without some eye rolling. I talk to Luca about our new school when out of the corner of my eye I see a whole bunch of girls looking at Luca. Oh no, they were giving him that look, you know that look that says love at first sight.  Ok I know I'm just his younger sister but i'm not dumb or oblivious, I know that Luca is very good looking and all the girls go crazy over him.

I look back at Luca for what seems like the 100th time I say, "There are some girls over there looking at you."

Trying not to be obvious Luca turns his eyes a little bit just to see if I am lying and he sees four girls sitting together looking at him. Oh my god, they all wave when they see he has noticed them. He slowly waves back and then looks at me, catching me in a full on eye roll.

"Luca you should be happy the girls are all over you! It makes things so much easier."

"I know but its just... Whatever!"

"No! Tell me what's up?"

"I don't want a girl that just likes me for my looks you know.  I am well aware that's a cliché, but really do I look like I care!"

"I see your point."

As the bus slows down, I breathe in and breathe out, scared that I am going to lose my breath. All the kids bolt out of their seats and off the bus. As the moments pass everyone is on their feet. Right, Left, breathe in, breathe out, smile, you can do this.

Luca gives me a gentle nudge and a smile, "Come on, you've got this."

Thank you for reading the first chapter of Eyes For You <3

Eyes For You // Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now