Chapter Seventeen

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Today we are going to a Disney water park. I'm in the backseat with Payton. I lay my head softly on his shoulder looking up at him and he looks back at me. I kiss him on the cheek.

"Aw!" I hear from the left side of the car. It's Madeline and she had been recording everything that just happened.

"Hey what are you doing?" Payton says reaching for her phone.

"Nothing!" She giggles hiding her phone.

"Okay you guys, we are here!" Joanne steps out of car.

All of us walk into the water park and look around.

"Ohh my look at that", Sierra says pointing at the big wave pool.

"Damn", Jeremy says while looking at all the cute girls in bikinis. Luca slaps him hard on the head.

"HEY! That hurt."

"Good!" He said sounding a little angry.

(Luca's POV)

"Hey Sierra" I start to wrap my arm around her.

"Hi!" She smiled.

"You ready to have some fun!"

"Hell yeah! What ride do you guys wanna go on first"? She asks everyone.

"Hmmm maybe we should go on the one with the family tube, it's super fun!" Payton says.

"True" Jackson agrees.

"Okay then let's go kids!" Joanne leads they way.

"These lines are pretty long."

Payton pipes up, "Yeah but it's Disney, what do you expect?"

Sophie smiles, "True that."

Sierra smiled looking over at me and said,  "it's really sunny right here." I motion for her to come over to where I am standing in. I wrap my arms around her, "I'll keep you out of the sun".

I thought she might try to squirm free, but she didn't, she stood there with my arms resting over her shoulders. We were so close in that moment. I think I'm falling for her. "Luca your gonna burn now".  Like I cared, I was fine in that moment, finer than I had been in a long time.

"Don't worry I don't burn. I usually just tan. I'm the exact opposite of my sister. If she's out in the sun of like 30 minutes she fries. I mean she is a red head."

As the line starts to move, we are now in the shade. I let go of her and hold her hand while we wait.

(End Of POV)

We all got on the ride together: Payton, Sierra, Luca, Sophie, Chase, and I.  It had so many twists and turns. It was amazing and I couldn't help myself, I just kept screaming. 

"WOOOOOO!" Payton screams.

We all laugh at how excited he looked.

After a little bit we all decided to take a lunch break. Everyone sat down and talked except for Jackson. He was sitting by himself on his phone, he looked to be texting. He looked pretty caught up whoever he was texting, and I couldn't help but think something was up. After last night I just don't want to approach him for fear he is going to bring up again what happened. 

Payton stood up quickly and started to make his way over to Jackson. I grabbed his shorts, I thought maybe it was best to let Jackson have some alone time.

"Where are you going?" I asked Payton. 

"I'm going to see if he is okay, I am his best friend after all."

"Mhm." I let go of him.

Jackson's POV

I know that its stupid to be texting Ashley, but if it wasn't for Kaylee, her and Payton might have got back together. I know she will get how I am feeling.  So where is the harm in texting her. As I pour out my feelings to Ashley she listened and responded. 

"What is it with that bitch, has she come to this school to make everyone's life hell?  Like really Jackson, I don't know that she is worth your time, but I do know she is starting to piss off a lot of people. Listen I am hear for you Jackson, today will get better. Go have some fun and send me some pics of the group, even one's with Kaylee in them."

Ashley's and Jackson's Text's

Jackson: Ok I will try, thanks for talking to me Ashley, I really appreciate it. I just feel like shit.

Ashley:  I have been there too you know. I  still miss Payton and I know that you know how I really felt about him. When you love someone like that, you just don't get over it that easy.  He just got distracted by Kaylee.  I don't think for one minute he is going to stay with her. You know he and I always get back together. Kaylee is just a distraction, and if you really like her and you think she likes you, you should be together. Payton is just to busy being Mr. Nice Guy, but Jackson your a great guy too, and you deserve happiness too and if you think Kaylee would do that for you, well that is who you should be with. 

Jackson: Thanks Ash... but I really got to go..

Ashley:  Ok don't forget to send me some pics!

End Of Conversation

"Jackson what's up?", Payton approaches me.

"Agh nothing", I turned off my phone and stuck it in my pocket.

"Um okay... Jackson, we're cool right?"

"WTF man, of course we are. We have been friends forever, you know me, I'm alright! Work was texting me to see when I was coming back, and I was like, its not going to be today! Ha!"

I wasn't sure if he bought it, he knows me well enough to know. I'm not fine but for once he really wasn't going to push it like he usually does.

"Well lets get back to the group and hit some more rides before we have to go."

"Sounds good to me."

End Of POV


Sorry for taking so long to update... I was busy but i still hope you enjoy this chapter! Also thanks so much for almost 8k!💖

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