Chapter Nine

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I laid down on my bed and grabbed my phone. I opened it and went to Instagram.

#jacksonsfault group chat

Payton: Is everyone ready for me to call?

Jackson: Sure I'm chillin

Sierra: Yeah

Maddie: Sure

Jeremy: Give me a sec I'm cooking my popcorn.

Sophie: Same here.

Chase: I'm ready

Luca: Yep

                                                                                                                     Me: Yeppers I'm so frickin exited

Five minutes later I get a call from the group chat.

"HEYYYYYY!" Sierra screams very loudly.

"Chill." Jackson says.

"I wanna know so bad. Tell me Payton! Now!" I say.

"Agghhhh!" Maddie screams.

"Fellow humans. Let him speak!" Sophie says.

Luca, Jeremy, Chase, and Sophie stay silent trying to listen to what Payton is going to tell us all.

"Okay so I or I guess we, have a plan!"

Everyone was hanging on every word Payton was saying.

" I think.... (oh my God spit it out) we should all go somewhere together on Spring Break.  Jackson and I were talking and we both think it would be rad to all hang together in Orlando. Yeah lots of high school seniors go to Fort Lauderdale, but why don't we go to Disney. We could do the water parks, and theme parks and then party at night at Downtown Disney. 

Jackson can get us free passes from his uncle who works at the animation studio on the Disney lot, and my uncle who sells real estate just bought this huge mansion to flip, and Mom said if she went along with us, he would probably say yes to letting us stay there. He loves my Mom, he would do anything for her. We just can't wreck the place, and my Mom said she was game to go. So what do you think? "

"Jackson you hid this from us? I asked.

"Ha! Yeah I did."

Payton sounds serious "Now its up to you guys to convince your parents to let you go. Tell them that my Mom is great and she isn't going to let us get in any trouble. Really I can't wait.  I hope everyone's parents are cool with it. So call us back and let us know what the answer is.  I will be here waiting with Jack ."

"kk!" I say.

"OMG! I have never been to Disney!" Maddie says screaming.

"My family always goes up there on spring break!" Payton says.

"I have always wanted to go, but we never have. This will be freaking amazing, omg I have to go and ask my mom. Bye!" I say ending the call.

Both Luca and I look at each other with excitement.  I think we were both ready to secretly jump up and down like little kids, but we needed to get our game faces on for our parents, after all my Mother is not a push over. She worries far to much about everything, but my Dad, oh yah, my Dad is always who we hit up first. He is what you might call a little bit of a push over. Luca and I walk slowly to the kitchen trying to hide our excitement. We sit down and stare into each other eyes, knowing full well we are thinking the same thing. How are we going to convince Mom and Dad?

Eyes For You // Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now