Chapter Sixteen

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I was so nervous to talk to Payton it's was about 9 o'clock and I still had no idea what to say to him. Finally I got the courage to knock on his door. The door opens and it was Jackson. Of course the one person I didn't want to see the most.

"Hey!" He shuts the door behind him.

"Look." I try making no eye contact at all in fear that he would try and make another move. He grabbed my chin forcing me to look directly at him in the eyes, but then he moves in and tries to kiss me again. I push away. I locked stares with him, his eyes were full of confusion.

"Please let me explain how I am feeling!" I raise my voice a little. He raised one eyebrow and followed me into my room.

"Okay so tell me?" He crosses his arms and leans on a chair.

"I like you Jackson."

"Hm." He smiles.

"But I truly am in love with Payton. He is everything I could have ever asked for and I don't ever want to lose him. When you kissed me and I kissed back I immediately regretted it. I never ever wanted to hurt Payton or anyone for that matter. So you and I, well there is no you and I, it is never going to happen Jackson. It can't happen, because it hurts people that I care about."

He stood there obviously in shock, not knowing what to respond with. I worried about what his response was going to be, and there it was.

"I-I mean", he pauses "I don't think I will stop liking you anytime soon. How about I just give you some time and we see what happens."

"I don't need time!"

"Kaylee you can say you don't need time but I think your making a big mistake! Your the most beautiful girl I have ever met and I can't give up that easily! YOU KNOW YOU BEING WITH PAYTON HURTS ME TOO!"

I can't believe he is saying this, I really hadn't done anything to lead him on, but now I see how much pain I have caused him, and he is letting it all out. I just stood there letting him spill his guts, sharing all of his bottled up hatred and sadness. When he finally calmed down I felt so bad inside, I didn't want to lead him on but I also didn't want him to think I was a heartless bitch, so I gave him a small hug and he left.

(Payton's POV)

I could hear Jackson leaving the room and it sounded like someone was with him, I just don't know who it could be. Argh forget about him, and think about her. I just don't know what to believe who does she really like. Is it Jackson, or is it me, or is she playing us both? Ok lets think about this rationally, even if is she liked one of us more than the other, there should be no competition. It doesn't make any sense, if she liked him more than why wouldn't she be flirting with him all the time, holding his hand, kissing his lips, making him laugh, and all that stuff that she has been doing with me. It makes no sense.


The door opens, it's Jackson and he walks back in. His face was really red and he looked upset. I didn't bother to ask what was wrong because at this time I had no idea how I was feeling, let alone try to figure out Jackson and his feelings. Then there was a knock on the door again, this time Jackson stood frozen and made no movement to answer it. I opened the door and it was her, Kaylee. She stood there looking up at me but I could sense she was unhappy.

"Could I please talk to you?" she begged.

"Um yeah." I slowly make my way out of my room re-thinking each step I take.

"Where is the best place to talk?" she asked.

"Any room his fine." She holds my hand and leads me to her room, and we sit down on her bed.

"So, I don't know if you have any idea on what's happening right now, and judging from the look on your face, I think you might have this all wrong " she sighed.

"I'm just going to start from the beginning, when I first arrived here I'll be honest I kind of had a thing for both you and Jackson. You both were really sweet to me and after my last school, you both made me feel wanted and cared about. I knew quickly that I had more feelings for you, and now It's more you then it has ever been. Inside I feel tormented because what I have with you is different than with Jackson, but I can't deny I still have feelings for Jackson too."

I listened to how she chose her words very carefully, she wanted to make sure there was no lies. I have experienced so many lies in my last relationship, so I think I can tell who is being honest and who is not. I can tell.

Kaylee continued, "When I went downstairs to talk to Jackson about the bed incident, he got upset and he kissed me on the lips." She paused and frowned.

"I did not push him away, it's like I was frozen but I did nothing to stop it. I accepted it and I really don't know why. Truly I think I wanted to see if the spark I originally felt was still there or gone. Payton there was nothing there except instant regret. I ran away from him as soon as possible, and that's the truth. I feel very awful for kissing him."


"Because I'm falling in love with you. You are one of the best things that has ever happened to me. You make me smile when it's hard to smile, you make me laugh, and above all you make me feel like you love me too. I messed up, and I feel like I'm stupid for even thinking that I needed proof."

"You got that right!" I look directly at her.

"I'm truly sorry." I looked into her eyes and could tell that she wasn't lying to me.

"Wow." I look at her in shock.

"What?" Her faced looked very confused.

"You're not lying. The last time I had this talk it ended up with my ex lying to me."

"I really I mean don't have any reason to lie and if you don't forgive me that's fine. I will back off and stay away." She started to leave the room. I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. She hugged me back and started to cry.

"Why are you crying?" I hold her in my arms.

"I just thought that I was going to lose you." She starts to sob.

I stood there blushing. "That should be the least of your worries I said."


I grabbed her by the waist and pushed her down onto my bed. "You ready?"

She looked at me dead in the eyes. "DON'T YOU DARE DO IT PAYTON!" She yelled as I started to tickle her right in her ticklish spot. Kicking and flailing all over the place there was no place else I would rather be.

(End of POV)

"I'm so sorry." I put a cold ice pack on his eye. 

"It's not your fault I should have known your like a baby dear with those legs." I giggled and continued to ice his eye.

"Payton?" I ask.


"Are we okay?" I look down at the ground feeling that I might not get the answer I want.

"More than okay" he held my hand.

(End of POV)

The rest of the night was fantastic, we all ended up playing games, eating super, talking, and watching tv. Payton and I stuck by each other the whole night and I never left his side. Everything seemed alright except for Jackson, he stared at his phone, and seemed really intent at whatever it was he was looking at. I felt bad, but whatever it is, I am sure he will get over it. He has to realize that we are never going to be anything. Payton and I are falling in love and nothing is going to change that, or at least that is what I was thinking.

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