Chapter 4: A Scar in the Eye

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"Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye." -Helen Keller

"Ah, that was a wonderful lunch. What do you think, Mawile? Pikachu?"

"I'd say it's pretty good; I've been having a hard time finding spaces for proper cooking. Your pantry's surprisingly complex, even for a tiny den!"

"It's average at best."

"Average? How can you not have a passion for cooking? There's so much you can do with any ingredient!"

"Cooking is only a need, Espeon. Why should I become a kitchen maniac? It doesn't do you well in the long run."

"Are you sure? Both male and female Pokémon share the duty of cooking where I'm from. No one has a problem with trying new things."

"What are you trying to say? It's not like Mawile and I are veteran restaurateurs."

On a silent yet active afternoon in the forest, Pikachu and Mawile engage in a healthy discussion with Espeon regarding the essence of cooking. While the trio adjust their joint lifestyle, Flareon and Sylveon search for Berries for the purpose of making packed juices. Together they carefully trek through the dense flora, wary of any threats that may lurk in the forest's depths. With fur and feelers at their disposal, the sisters approach a naturally developed Berry field with a bountiful supply of ripe fruit. Sylveon questions the high quantity of Berries she and her sister found, as such a bloom does not occur in the forest due to the unfavorable conditions for Berries to grow.

"Do you find these Berries a bit odd, sis?"

"Odd? In what way?"

"Oh, you didn't know? The forests surrounding Neo Treasure are not suited for Berries to develop due to the vastly different soil quality."

"Is that so? I'd figured someone would have developed this area of the forest into farmland. It would make sense for those who follow a self-sustaining lifestyle."

"Well, the thing is, these ripe Berry trees look as if they magically appeared; I don't see any land development anywhere."

"That's true. Maybe it's a trap of sorts? Like, someone placed realistic Berry trees to snatch up unsuspecting Pokémon so he or she forces the victim into servitude?"

"That may be a solid concern, but there are many other possibilities out there."

During their debate, the purple figures materialized in front of the sisters, summoning their enigmatic energy around their bodies. They surround Sylveon and Flareon to ban any opportunity of escape. Without other options, the sisters prepare to engage in battle.

"So much for looking for ingredients. Regardless, are you ready, sister?"

"Always, Flareon! Let's party!"

A Flame Charge and a Fairy Wind commence the battle in the forest. The band of seven purple figures disappear and reappear to avoid damage. Two of them unleash a pair of Bullet Seed attacks directly towards the sisters' heads, but they successfully dodge the assault. They note the difficulty of facing opponents whose information remains incognito.

"If only we had known about their weaknesses; that way we'd have a more bearable time fighting those bastards..."

Explorers of Origin: A Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Fanfiction, Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now