Chapter 30: No Rest For The Living

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"What of me, the next you?"

"I ask you: will you stay with me?"

Nearing completion of the graves for the dead, Furret wipes her forehead to shoo away a portion of sweat that formed on her body. She scans throughout the territory, observing the work that her comrades have completed thus far.

"Looks like we got everything set up properly. Nice one, guys."

"Everyone's been helpful for us, aren't they? There was no way for us to finish this in a timely fashion."

"It never hurts to call for some extra hands, Yamper. Mawile's group, albeit new to the town, proved to be clutch throughout the project. So much so that even Ivysaur's opened up to a new friend."

"You mean the Pikachu he was chatting with? Part of me feels uneasy about him."

"But judging how Ivysaur's behaving, there doesn't seem to be any ill intent."

"I guess so... then again, with so many Pokémon dying left and right across the continent, it's hard to place your trust in anyone..."

"Her group has more than proved themselves trustworthy. There's nothing to worry about them!"

"Yeah. I believe you."

Yamper's assured face reverts to a solemn frown as he observes the soulless bodies being covered by dirt. His ears droop in disappointment, unwilling to rise with pride. Sliggoo senses her canine counterpart's regretful phase, slithering towards him in hopes of motivating him.

"You're always the worrisome one. That never changes. But look around you: even with the casualties we suffered, that group helped keep the others alive."

"I know. Furret's told me all about them. How are those graves coming along?"

"Pretty well, actually. The Milotic was a huge help, thanks to the boiling characteristics of her Scald."

"What about the Gardevoir?"

"Her digging speed is much faster than I could ever expect. From the pace she kept, I'd say she digs faster than five Excadrills combined."

"That's one hell of a statement. Ha!"

"Right? I'm sure we can ask for more of their help whenever they have the desire to."

"Their desire?"

"I get the feeling that their goals are different from ours, so we can't necessarily depend on them all the time in order to recur resources."

"I suppose that's true. But what do you make of the chaos at hand? There are reports of towns being completely deserted within days of each other. That has to concern you, no?"

"Not just me. Everyone."

Nodding to each other in agreement, Yamper and Sliggoo return to their digging spots to finish the job. Back at the grave site, a curious Milotic begins her push for key biographical information by requesting Gardevoir's input.

"I meant to ask ya: how long've you known him? Seems like y'all knew each other for a long while."

"Oh, yes. Sora was the Trainer who raised me into the Pokémon I am now."

Raising her eyebrows intriguingly, Milotic motions her fins to encourage Gardevoir to share more of her backstory.

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