Chapter Twenty-One

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On this particular day, I actually woke up feeling good, that good lasted until I remembered that I imagined scenarios and situations with Damon when I was trying to fall asleep.

And now I just feel like a creep. I think I just need to forget about it. I mean, it's not like it's going to happen again.

So here I am, watching movies with Blake while I'm thinking about Damon. Not in that creepy way, I'm just curious about his possible appearance tonight.

Not in that type of way. Just, in the- you know what I mean. But seriously, I want to see the guy. Should I go by his house to visit him...? With Blake of course.

No, that would be way too awkward.

"The girls will come in a few minutes." Blake's voice catches my attention.

Will Damon come? I mean, will the guys come?

I glance at him. "What about the others?"

He shakes his head. "Maybe Mike."

Does the fact that I'm disappointed make me a bad person?

I nod. "Okay."

Ava and Violet arrived quickly after that and immediately pointed their glances to me. I guess they're curious about the situation that happened with Damon.

They greeted us and I expected Ava to stay with Blake but she glared at me and asked. "Can we borrow Ver for a while?"

Blake nods. "Sure, I'll wait for you here."

We headed to my room and once I took a step inside, I was immediately pushed on my bed roughly. "What's happening?" I say, letting out a nervous laugh.

Ava gasps. "It's not funny. Spill the tea."

I raise an eyebrow. "What tea?"

Violet crosses her arms. "About you and Damon."

I gesture for them to take a seat next to me on the bed and once they do, I speak up. "We are really good friends."

Ava raises an eyebrow. "Are you really?"

I nod. "We are."

Violet narrows her eyes at me. "Explain why was he so possessive over you when David arrived."

I scoff. "Jesus guys. The boys and David have issues with each other, it has nothing to do with me."

Violet frowns. "He stepped in front of you. That screams protection to me."

"And to me." Ava agrees.

I roll my eyes. "Gather yourself. Even if it were some other guy from our gang in Damon's place, they would do the same. Think about it."

Ava nods. "Yeah, that's right. Sorry."

"Okay Ver, whatever you say." Violet says.

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