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The next day came along. I sat at the same spot I always sat at when waiting for Madison. I had barely sat there for 2 minutes when my lunch tray was knocked to the floor. I looked up to find the jock from yesterday, laughing with his friends.

"Didn't we tell you already? You belong with those losers over there, not here. This is our territory now." they smirked at me.

"Still not moving?" they said. "Fine."

One of the jocks quickly reached out and stole someone's lunch tray. Before I realized what was going to happen, I was splattered with mac and cheese. But that wasn't it. Before I could even look up, they spilled chocolate milk on me. Laughing, as they waited until the very last drop from the carton was gone. I gasped as the cold liquid was poured onto me. The cafeteria was immediately silent as they watched me.

Just then, I heard a bit of chattering from the entrance. I looked up to find Madison with some of the cheerleaders along with Calum by her side. The chattering stopped as Madison saw what was going on. Her mouth was open as she looked at me. I waited for her, to do something, to even move! But she didn't do anything. She just stood there watching me with pity in her eyes.

Without warning, I quickly ran out of the cafeteria as I pushed anyone that was in my way. I was embarrassed and humiliated in front of the whole freaking school and not even my friend, my best friend since elementary, did anything. Tears started to leak out of my eyes as I pushed my way through the crowded hallway. People laughed at the sight of me, they pointed and took pictures with their phones. I ignored them, like I always did.

I found the restrooms and I barged in. Luckily, the restrooms weren't occupied by those pretty little stuck-up witches. I made my way to the sink as the sobs began escaping from my mouth. I was tired. I was sick and tired of being pushed around. What did I ever do wrong? I worked hard, got good grades, and never messed with anyone. Yet, they still choose me to pick on.

I climbed the counter where the sinks were aligned and sat in the corner. Too absorbed in my thoughts, I didn't notice that someone else had entered the room. I heard footsteps and I quickly looked up, alarmed.

"Hey..." Madison greeted quietly as she slowly neared me.

I glared at her, "What do you want?"

"I just--I saw what happened back in the cafeteria...and I came to check up on you. Are you okay?" she asked.

I gathered myself together and stood up, "No I'm not okay. Why didn't you stop them?" I asked, my voice firm but weak at the same time.


"You know what? Whatever. Just go back to the cafeteria, I'm sure your 'friends' are worried about you." I said, turning to face the mirror.

I began removing the leftover pieces of food that stuck on my clothes. Out of the corner my eye, I could still see Madison standing there.

"Did you not understand what I just said? I'm telling you to lea--"

"Okay! I know you're upset with me, and I would be too if I was in your spot. I haven't been the greatest friend to you these days and I'm sorry." she said as she approached me.

I stayed quiet. "Okay...you're forgiven, but this time only." I muttered as she smiled.

"Good!" she cheered, "oh wait I almost forgot!"

Without warning, she pulled out a bag from behind her. "I brought some clothes that you can change into." she smiled. "I think it'll fit you."

I grabbed the bag as I thanked her. "Thanks Mady.."

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