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With each step I took, my pace grew faster as I heard the door shut again from behind me. I walked faster and exited the hallways as I could sense her trying to catch up to me.

"HEY! DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME!" she shouted at me but I kept walking, pushing through people.

Some people stopped, causing me to stop. Suddenly, I felt a painful tug on my hair as I was yanked backwards.

"WE'RE NOT DONE HERE." she screamed as she pulled my hair, yanking me to the ground.

People gasped and gathered around to watch the scene unfold. My hair band snapped and fell, releasing my hair. I pushed myself off the ground and stood up, brushing the dirt off my clothes.

"What do you want from me?!" I exclaimed, pulling my hair away from my face.

I thought me leaving meant that I was done with the conversation. Now, she's just dragging it on and out to the public.

"You," she hissed, getting closer to my face as she pointed. "You don't get to hate me. You don't have the right to."

I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest. "And why is that?"

She glared at me, her arms at her sides as she formed fists. "You lie to me. You got with my crush. You ignore me. You push me around. You threw me away. You left me in the dust. You changed...and so have I. I'm not taking anymore of your bullshit. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. You're just another fake bitch who thinks you're superior now since you belong to the 'most popular guy in school.'" I stated as I moved closer to her, causing her to stumble backwards. "I'm done. With this. With everything. And especially with you. "

I emphasized the last word, staring at her directly in her eyes before turning and walking away. Everyone broke into whispers among the circle. All of a sudden, I felt a force pushing down on me causing me to fall to the ground. My knees hit against the concrete as my hands slammed against the rough surface.

I whipped my head around to see her standing proudly, hands on her hips. "Serves you right, bitch."

Absolutely fed up with her attitude and stubborness, I quickly got up and faced her as she wore a cocky smirk on her face. I held up my hand, ready to give her what she deserved when suddenly my another hand wrapped around my wrist.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her." Calum warned as he bored his eyes into mine.

The crowd gasped and went silent.

I pulled my hand back and glared back at him. Madison smirked at me as she wrapped her arms around his torso.

"C'mon babe, she's not worth our time." she said to him as she started to lead him away the opposite direction. "Just some jealous slut."

Not caring about Calum's warning earlier, I charged at her, ready to rip her face off.

"WHOA, WHOA!" A familiar voice shouted as two strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back.

She looked back, seeing what happened. She locked eyes with me before leaning in to kiss his cheek, making sure I saw everything.

"Let go of me!" I protested as I squirmed in their grip.

"Brooklyn, you need to calm down!" Luke exclaimed, helping Michael hold me back.

Everyone started to evacuate the scene, seeing that the drama ended. I gave up trying to escape out of their hold and just stayed still. Their grip loosened and they soon released me.

Michael sighed, "Have you finally calmed down?"

Without responding, I grabbed my backpack and walked away just as the bell rang. My knees were in pain so I basically limped all the way there.

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