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"No," He responded, sipping from his chocolate milk carton.

"Wait--what?" I said, not sure if I heard him correctly.

"The answer is no. N-O." he said, raising his voice. "C'mon Luke, let's sit somewhere else."

I was at a loss for words, I didn't know how and what to respond with. This wasn't what I was expecting.

Luke quickly grabbed Michael's shoulder, pulling him back. "Bro, she literally just said that she'd help us."

"Yeah, I know. And I said no, are you deaf??" Michael replied.

Ignoring his statement, Luke went on, " Isn't this what you wanted? For her to help us take them down?"

"Yeah. WANTED. PAST TENSE," Michael scoffed. "Now are you coming with me or not?"

"Dude," Luke said, refusing to move as Michael rolled his eyes.

"Fine," Michael muttered, before turning to face me, "You wanna know why I said no?"

"Y-yeah I guess," I said.

"Well it doesn't make much sense to me because literally A WEEK AGO you refused to believe me, insulted me and then left and now suddenly you come back wanting to help?" Michael said, "it doesn't make much sense unless something happened that made you believe me...if so, what happened? Because from what I last heard, Calum's a 'good guy'."

I glanced from Luke to Michael, "I...I can't say."

Michael raised his eyebrows, "And why is that?"

"I,I made a promise.." I trailed off as I sent a worried look to Luke.

Michael scoffed, "Of course ya did. This is why you can't help us. You could just be doing this for the populars."

"No, I'm not!" I argued, eyebrows knitting together.

"Won't believe it until I see some proof," Michael shrugged before drinking his milk.

"She's telling the truth!" Luke said.

"Luke, don't--"

"She is! She has proof!" Luke insisted.

"Then where's her proof?" Michael asked before looking at me, "Where's the proof, huh? HUH?"

I stayed quiet before Luke finally spoke up, "Her proof is me....I'm her proof."


"I told her...about the thing that happened years ago..." Luke confessed as Michael's eyes went wide.

"You what?!" exclaimed Michael, "I FUCKING FORBADE YOU FROM TALKING TO HER!"

Luke rolled his eyes, "You can't forbid me from doing anything."

Outraged, Michael's hands formed into fists as his jaw clenched. "I trusted you, Luke." Michael said, his eyes showing a mix of anger and sadness.

"I know, and I'm sorry.." Luke apologized sincerely.

Within seconds, Michael's whole emotional state changed. A smile grew upon his lips as he looked fondly at Luke.

"Wha--Why are you looking at me like that?" Luke asked, clueless.

Michael threw his arm around Luke. "I'm so proud of you! You're growing up!" Michael exclaimed as he pretended to cry into Luke's shoulder.

Luke stumbled back from the sudden actions, "Uh...I have no idea what is going on right now."

Michael pulled away, ignoring Luke's words. He turned and pointed at me, "As for you, you're in."

"Wait, are you serious or...?" I trailed off.

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