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After a dreadful hour consisting of me sitting in one place without being able to do ANYTHING passed by, I was more than happy to leave. As I walked to the parking lot, I kept thinking back to what Brook told me. How come I didn't hear about it? But more importantly, who knew?

Sitting in the driver's seat, I stared at my phone; debating whether or not to text Brook about the rumor. No,no...I can't do that. What if she suspects something? But if she finds out that it was me who hooked up with Calum...no, that can't happen. I was pretty sure that no one was around that night. I tightened my grip on my phone. Could it be Calum?

I quickly dialed his number and impatiently waited for him to answer. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four ri--

"Hey Calum, I need to--"

"You have reached Calum Hood. Please leave a message after the beep. Beeeeeeep."

Annoyed, I hung up and threw my phone in the backseat. What could he be doing right now? This was important!


Everyone cleared the way as I stormed the hallways, my heels clinking with each step I took. Cherry and Megan were right behind me, helping to clear the way by pushing people aside. I took a sharp turn and marched to where Calum was, which was at his locker. He was in the middle of a conversation with his friends but I didn't care.

His eyes lit up when he saw me. "Hey--"

I grabbed his arm and began pulling him to the nearest exit. Everyone was backed up against the walls and were staring at us, whispering amongst each other. When we were finally outside, I released my grip on him, pushing him back a bit.

"Whoa, what's up?" he asked, eyebrows furrowed as he fixed his sleeve.

"Don't act all innocent.." I said, glaring at him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Uh, I seriously don't know what's going on.." he mumbled, scratching the back of his head.

I whipped out my phone from my bag and flashed him the screen. "I've been calling and texting you the whole weekend! And you never replied!" I shouted at him.

"Oh...sorry about that," he chuckled nervously.

"Why?!" I shrieked.

"I may or may not have gotten grounded for the whole week..." he confessed shyly.

"Wow," I scoffed, "Why?"

"I might have failed my Spanish final..." he admitted, causing me to roll my eyes.

"But now that I'm actually here, what did you wanted to tell me?" he asked, leaning against the brick wall.

I sighed, "apparently there's this rumor going around that someone and someone hooked up after the soccer game on Thursday."

"And that's a bad thing because...?" he trailed off and I quickly smacked his arm.

"It's a bad thing because everyone's going to find out about us!" I exclaimed.

There was a short silence between us before he spoke up again. "I still don't see what the problem is."

"I specifically told you that I didn't want anyone finding out about us!" I yelled before smacking him for the second time.

"Ow! Okay, okay!"

I sighed before sitting at a random bench. "Everyone's gonna find out.." I whispered before burying my face in my hands.

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