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"LUKE!" I shouted as I hurried to catch up to him.

He stopped abruptly, causing me to crash into him and fall. He quickly helped me up, grabbing me by the arms, "Geez, are you okay? What's up?"

I stood up, brushing his hands off, "I'm fine but look!"

I shoved a pink folded note in his face. He took it from me as I stared at him, anxiously waiting for him to open the note already.

"Wow..." he said, faking his enthusiasm, "A pink piece of paper!"

I rolled my eyes, "Just open it and read it already!"

"Okay,okay! Geez," he huffed, slowly unraveling the piece of paper just to frustrate me.

His eyes scanned the note before handing it back to me, "Another love note from that creep again?"

"But did you read what it said?" I asked with a wide smile.

"Yeah, but--"

"I'm meeting him this Friday!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that he still is kinda a creep. I mean it's been a month and he's still sending you notes," Luke said.

"Well...it's someone from school so it shouldn't be that bad," I shrugged as he shook his head.

"Whatever, if he turns out to be a creep, good luck," he said as he continued walking.

"Wait!" I exclaimed again as I quickly caught up to him, "Aren't you happy for me?"

"Of course, Brook, but just remember this isn't a movie okay?" he warned, "Plus out of all days he could've chosen to meet you, why does it have to be this Friday?"

"Because it's Valentine's Day, duh!" I said, playfully bumping into him, "I thought you'd see it coming, like I did...I mean, from his past notes it's kinda obvious that he's a huge cheeseball."

"True, but just be safe okay?" he said as I nodded.

"I'll be fine, anyways, how are things with you and Michael?" I asked.

"Ugh, he's been hanging out with that Calum kid now and hasn't even said a word to me," he said, rolling his eyes at the mention of Michael's name. 

"Oh, that's really weird," I frowned.

"Yeah, he's a jerk, but whatever, I still got you and the others," he said.

"Yeah!" I cheered, "You don't need him!"  

"Yeah, let's not talk about him anymore," he said as I agreed.

I stayed quiet, not really sure what to talk about, but there was only one thing on my mind.

"Are you still thinking about the--"

"I can't wait for this Friday!" I exclaimed.

"What's so special about Friday? You're only just meeting your creepy stalker," he smirked.

"Okay, one, stop calling him that!" I said as he snickered, "And second, not only am I meeting my secret ADMIRER, but I'm going to find out about your secret little crush."

"Oh god," he groaned, "Are you seriously still hung up on that?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" I smiled, stopping to pinch his cheeks, "Wittle Wucas has a wittle cwush!"

He blushed, prying my hands off him as I giggled. "I changed my mind, I'm not telling you who it is anymore!" he stated, increasing his speed.

"Wh-What!" I exclaimed, catching up to him again, "That isn't fair! Are you doing this because of me teasing you? If so, I'll stop!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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