Chapter 7

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Reaver POV....

I will not tell you anything!" I snapped.

Yes, you will, and you know why? Because if you do not tell me, then I will hurt you even more." The queen threatened.

I would rather be hurt or killed than tell you!" I spat.

Hmm, then I will do something much worse." She said.

What?" I hissed.

I'll just bring little miss Tera into this." Queen Poppy answered.

You keep her out of this." I growled.

I'll bring her in." She chuckled. "Guards!"

Your majesty, what may we assist you with?" Leonardo asked as he came running in with another guard named Christopher.

Fetch Tera from the tower and bring her here." Poppy ordered and the two ran off to get Tera. "This will surely get secrets out of you."

Leave her out of this!" I snapped.

No, if there's something you're keeping from me then I have to know." She said.

An attack!" I cried. "There's an attack coming!"

Tell me more." The queen said.

The humans! They are coming for the fire kingdom and they wont stop until the palace is burned and Magnus and you are dead." I explained.

Oh really, anything else?" She asked.

Tera told me not to tell you because you do not deserve to know, but she told me to tell Magnus so that he could get away." I answered.

Fun story Reaver dear, but I wont buy it, I know if someone is lying." She growled.

You're a sick woman! Magnus will hear of this!" I snapped.

Because he is your friend? Oh Reaver, he only pretends to care because he doesn't want to lose the best warrior in all of the fire kingdom." Poppy chuckled.

That's not true!" I snapped. "We've been friends since we were children!"

That is only because he is proper, he turned up in the elemental palace and took care of it, just like his mother and father would have wanted, they also wanted him to have someone to take a bullet for him." She laughed.

Stop lying!" I cried.

You sound like a baby Reaver, has Tera made you soft?" The queen asked.

I'm not soft!" I snapped.

Do not worry, I've always noticed how soft you have been even before we took her back here." She said.

What?" I asked.

You've always looked at her in a way we've never seen by you before, you've never looked at any elf that way." She explained.

Please Poppy, just let Tera be free, let us be happy together, let this secret thing go." I pleaded.

Sorry Reaver, but I need to know what is kept from me." She chuckled.
Tera POV....

LET ME GO!" I roared as they dragged me down the cold stone stairs leading to the dungeons. "If you have a heart! You would know that this is evil! I've done nothing to her!"

Shut it!" Leonardo snapped as he threw me onto the stone floor.

The hell with you!" I hissed as he slammed the door behind him.

Welcome back Tera, so very nice to see you." I heard Poppy say and I looked over and saw her evil grin.

I looked over and I saw Reaver chained up on a wall. "What's going on?"

I-I can't tell her." He said.

Tell me or I take a knife I have used before, and I will cut her." Poppy growled.

Don't you dare!" He snapped.

Reaver! What's going on!" I asked.

I hear that you two are keeping secrets, I am going to find out." Poppy answered as she came over to me with a knife in her hand.

I started to move backwards in fear of what she might do. "Poppy please don't do anything."

Reaver, tell me and Tera will be spared." She said.

I can't do that!" Reaver cried and I nodded.

Well then, I guess Tera gets to shed a little blood." Poppy sighed.

All of a sudden she was holding me down as she held her knife firmly in her hand. I pushed back with my hand but somehow she was stronger and got me to let go before she cut deeply into my arm. I screamed in pain as she got off of me and I could hear Reaver screaming at Poppy.

Tell me Reaver or I will do much worse." She said.

Tera, I-I, have to." Reaver said as he starred deeply into my eyes.

No! Reaver please! You promised!" I cried as I covered the cut on my arm.

Tell me." Poppy said.

Reaver looked into my eyes and I could see tears. "I'm sorry Tera, I can't let her hurt you anymore."

NOO!" I screamed.

Poppy, Tera's expecting."

Oh, now this is much more interesting than the lie you told me." Poppy said, and then turned her full attention towards me. "So, my little sister is, having a child."

I'm sorry." Reaver said.

Is there anything else, that you'd like to tell me?" Poppy asked me.

No, I'm having a child, that's all the secrets." I answered.

Pity, I wish that you'd just tell the truth." She sighed.


I already knew once you entered the room Tera, I just wanted to hear Reaver scream out the answer and, I wanted to hear you suffer." She explained. "So, twins, you must be so lucky to have me, you wont need to take care of any other children, I'll take them off your hands."

NO!" I cried and I saw Reaver struggling.

If only you could have told the truth, then I would allow the children to visit you in the prison, I was even considering letting you go, but you chose to lie." Poppy sighed.

This isn't fair Poppy! You could have your own children! Tera wants to be happy!" Reaver cried.

And she was, too happy, she was spoiled, and now, she is lucky to be under the care of me." She said.

You will never have my children!" I cried and I broke the magic restraints from my wrists after hitting them off the wall, and I attacked with full force, slamming Poppy against the wall. "My children are mine! Not yours! You will never have them!"

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