Name: Angela Belmont
Sex: Female, and only whenever she's married, ya coots
Age: 19
Physical Appearance: Angela is innocent in the most devious of ways--she knows that she looks angelic and she shows it in every shy smile, every distance glance, and every cute little giggle that comes out just a bit too low pitched to be adorable. While she's grown, the nineteen-year-old is often mistaken as an elf from the hidden ranges of the forests--at least, that's what her Instagram shows the world. She's got fair skin that's covered in brown speckles that coat her body like a young doe. Blonde hair has been dyed a soft, seafoam green, and if it isn't up in a messy bun that took one hour to put up, or down with flowers and soft little bows coating every inch, then there's a problem. Makeup always coats her lips, which are naturally a darker red, and she allows her eyes to be a dark black to make those naturally long lashes with absolutely no extensions even better than they are normally. She stands at an average height, though often on her tip-toes, and wears clothing that furthers the ethereal look she so strives for.
Personality: Cute! Angela is the best person you'll ever meet and she does know this. Angela loves making friends and doing good things for her friends, as well as making friends with beautiful people to make herself look good next to them. She loves photography and likes to photograph her friends, though often hoping that they'll do the same for her. She loves to pretend that people hate her and often stirs up drama so that way her friends with be nicer to her and bestow love and affection upon her.
Background: Her father is a great guy who cares for her on the weekends and labor day. Her mother is a hard worker who drinks too much and loves to take out her anger on anyone around her. Her second father is a great guy who takes too much bitching to stay around, yet stays because pining love has no boundaries of safety. Angela loves all of her parents. She has a bountiful group of friends whom she often stays with, and has since been at college, where she goes to parties, movies, and new dates every few weeks. Though she's always been an innocent soul, she loves to flirt, and her nature often ends up leading too many men on. That's okay with Angela because getting yelled at always allows her to go cute-crying to the gals for some tlc.

Author Games: Red Room
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