September 3rd, 2018
12:48 am
There was no time better than the dead of night to move dead bodies, or, well, soon to be dead bodies if you wanted to get technical. Samuel watched from the inside of the west wing doorway as the last one was lifted up over the shoulder of one of his brethren and hoisted away from the flatbed pickup truck that had been carting it. From where he stood, it wasn't clear if the body was male or female, only that their tousled head of hair was wet and tangled from the ride, their head repeatedly flopping against Brother Kia's back. As the truck's door was slammed shut and the engine grew dim, the cult member retreated for a better view of the upcoming show and to escape the rain that was pounding against the outside of the building, misting his shoes and making his feet damp.
Inside, the droplets turned to background noise as Samuel's footsteps took over to echo around the wide, empty halls. All of the walls were now painted over with a listless grey. The smell had been wafted out and replaced with the heavy stench of fresh paint and cold metal. A few wires snaked across the ceiling, connecting the needed lights, but most were embedded deep in the walls to string up all of the cameras tucked away in corners of every hallway. Turning up toward the stairs, Samuel sent a wink up to the one waiting in the doorway and received a red blink back from an LED.
From there it was a short jaunt up a few sets of stairs and a few seemingly random turns down the hallways of the fifth floor to reach one of the few control rooms. The warm glow of computer screens lit his entrance, and a chorus of fans greeted his return. In a chair, with feet up on the fold out table and an old laptop balanced on his knees, sat Joshua. He turned his head for a glance, dark eyes catching the movement of Samuel shifting in the doorway, and with a grim smirk, he patted one of the metal chairs beside.
"Sit down, won't you? The show's about to begin."
The Task
And so the real fun begins.
If your character is a victim of St. Judas, we hope you're ready to play the dark game about to ensue. After being kidnapped and knocked out, your character will wake up in a dark room of an abandoned asylum at an undisclosed location they should not know. As one of their newest patients to be admitted, you will notice the room is fairly empty aside from a bed and a nightstand which drawers are empty. The doors are locked and upon further inspection, your character will notice there is a glass of water on the nightstand they can choose to drink or not (this choice will affect a later task) and a small candle to shed a dim light on the darkness that envelopes them. Your job is to find a way to escape the room. How this is done is up to you but we wouldn't recommend staying in there for too long as this is a game and it's no fun when people sit out of the game, is it? The only requirement here is you find a way to escape the room with whatever method you so choose. You can ignore the water, drink it or don't, ignore it altogether, so long as your character escapes by the end of the entry.
Oh, and one more thing—your character is being toyed with so there will be things meant to distract them from escaping. Perhaps they're hearing voices, maybe even screams, or strange home videos playing from when they were younger. The auditory torture will worsen the longer they stay in the room and don't forget these people have been watching you and recording your actions for quite some time now. You're also on camera as this is happening so don't forget to smile!
If your character is a victim of Hunters of Artemis, you'll find yourself waking up in the middle of the woods, dressed in white from head to toe. There is a bright fire burning in the distance and the brisky mountain air will lead your character to follow it and once they do, they will find themselves a bonfire burning pictures of them and their loved ones. A cult member will be waiting and they'll read aloud your charges, as well as the charges of any other victims, should you feel the need to include them. Once they've finished reading the sins you're being charged with, they'll give your character thirty seconds to run. This may be confusing at first, but as masked hunters come out of the shadows and draw near, you should definitely act on that gut instinct that tells you to run. Nevertheless, your task is fairly simple. Survive the first few hours of their hunting game. This may seem easy to do but the night will grow darker and if they feel the livestream is getting too boring, they'll send out their trusty hunting dogs that don't exactly like belly rubs from their prey. So good luck with that and try not to lose your mind while wandering around lost in the dark. And also remember to smile for the night cameras equipped across the area!
The viewers are watching. :)
Word Limit
Three names at the end of your entry.
Five of you will go up for votes with three of you dying.
Saturday, September 15th at 6 PM PDT
If you have any questions, by all means, PM either Linz or myself!

Author Games: Red Room
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