September 1st, 2018
10:15 amCold air swirled over the tops of trees and bent limbs to its will as the forest was met with an early chill. Fall began to creep in around this time, the sun peeking up later and later each day from behind the hillside and the nights sneaking in earlier. Wrapped in a thick, wool scarf, Cassandra marched up the steep incline to a house that cast its shadow over her and the surrounding brush. Beneath her feet crunched unwatered grass and dirt swirled around her ankles, no longer thickly packed from trampling feet but left nearly untouched since the last time she had made the trek out.
With her nose barely visible behind the thick layers of fabric, it was surprising the smell of pine hit her at all. Hidden beneath the familiar scent of home and fabric softener came the soft reminder of the thin forest surrounding her. It was as lovely as the trees themselves. Not only that, but the silence was beautiful as well. Something you couldn't achieve in the cities that lurked nearby. And the quiet would have stayed perfect, had it not been for the cry of a bird swooping past. Her head turned to catch a flutter of wings and saw the beast lurking behind the tree trunk that had scared it off.
The skull of a wolf was lifted to the person's face, obscuring everything but the eyes. They were a deadly black, watching every breath that Cassandra took and the slow smile that spread across her face as she drifted off of the path and to the woman waiting for her.
"You've already dug the masks out?" she called, breath curling into the air with a shudder as she pulled the scarf down below her chin.
A grin appeared between the wolf's teeth, and the mask fell to the woman's hip as she drew her gaze over Cassandra. "You're looking rather dressed up," Dina commented, crossing the few feet left between them and encircling the younger's waste with a strong arm.
Cas smiled back softly. With a swift movement, she reached down and plucked the bones from her wife's hands. "The Hunt is starting soon." Even the taste of the reminder was heaven on her lips, and she stood on tiptoe to leave a bright red mark on Dina's cheek. "I'm only matching the occasion."
The Task
You survived the first round, now we hope you're ready for the second! For this particular round, it doesn't matter if you're from St. Judas or Hunters of Artemis, both groups will be writing the same task so listen carefully.
As many of you may have predicted, this is the task where your character gets kidnapped or somehow lured into the cult that they're with now. How this is done will be up to you, so long as by the end of the entry your character is with their designated cult as fresh blood. Since you'll all be writing the same task, we're looking for a lot of creativity in how this is done and we don't want everyone doing the same character-gets-thrown-into-van-at-gunpoint scenario. In fact, if some of you wanted to have your character invited to a religious retreat that turns out to be a scam, that'd be perfectly fine too. Anything else is up to your creative liberty and we wish you the best of luck!
Word Limit
2500 (still, as a maximum)
Five whole chances to go rip someone's throat out.
Four of you will be going up for votes with two of you actually getting your throats ripped out. We believe in you ;)
Thursday, September 6th at 6 PM PDT
If you have any questions, by all means, PM either Linz or myself!

Author Games: Red Room
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