September 3rd, 2018
6:47 am
Above the forest, the crest of the sun rose up. It shimmered at the very edge of the tallest hill, offering the first ray of hope as the barking finally died down and the screams in the distance turned into whimpers. Cassandra stood at the foot of the used fire, smoke fanning her face and warming the cold blood that flowed through her veins. The mountainside was yet to catch any heat from the sky above, and a stiff breeze sent another chill through her spine. Laying down the mask beside the embers of stray ashy photos, the woman checked her phone to note the casualties, not only of the hunt but of less savory, senseless cullings that had gone on the night before.
Joaquim Luis Ferreira da Costa
Ira Warwick
The soft sound of feet crunching over leaves came more than one set but all in unison. A moment lasted as Cassandra raised head and waiting to greet whoever was coming to collect her, but she found it to only be a lost dog when its head poked out from between the brush. Grey ears twitching, it watched her with blood dripping from its muzzle. Crimson spilled onto orange leaves and slipped off, tracing streams through the dirt as it collected further down the incline. With a soft pat of her thighs, the huntress beckoned the beast over until it could drop the prize clutched between its teeth at her feet.
A severed arm fell to the ground. The gash created where it had been torn was still weeping. Blood began to soak through the dirt, mudding Cass's delicate sandals as she scratched the dog between its ears. "Come on," she insisted, wiping away at its fur and gripping it tightly beneath the collar. "Let's get you inside before the next part of the hunt." Pressing a soft kiss to the top of the dog's head, she patted down its fur a final time. "We wouldn't want you getting corrupted." Animals were pure, after all, following only their instincts. They never succumbed to sin.
The Task
Unfortunately for those of you still with us, the torture has only just begun.
If your character is with the cult of St. Judas, wherever they ended up last task is where the game will begin this task. What game, you ask? Well, now that they're done toying with you, we're about to have some good old-fashioned psychological torture that to them is very much a game. You'll start inside or outside the asylum (depending on your previous entry) and you'll get to wander in the dark with nothing but silence to keep you company. Members of the cult will be following you and we recommend hiding from them as they yield weapons and you do not. The only requirement here is that your character finds a place to hide for the remainder of the task. Do keep in mind that some of your sensories are deprived such as sight or sound and that for those of you who drank the water last task, you may start to feel numb as time goes along. Drugs were definitely in that glass of water but worry not, you may find this to be beneficial next task. :)
Lucky characters with the Hunters of Artemis will instead endure many types of torture, depending on how you decide to handle it. Inspired by contrapasso from Dante's Inferno, your job is to write your character being punished in a way that reflects the sin they have committed. How you go about this is entirely up to you and it doesn't have to reflect the sin in an obvious manner. The only requirement is that the punishment is equal to the sin. If you want to have your character being tormented by insects or chased endlessly or even their face made ugly under a knife, go for it. This is a bit of a tricky task to work with but we believe in you.
Word Limit
Four names at the end of your entry.
Five of you will go up for votes with three of you dying.
Thursday, September 27th at 6 PM PDT
If you have any questions, by all means, PM either Linz or myself!
Author Games: Red Room
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