September 3rd, 2018
11:11 pm
Wolfgang 'Wolfie' Foss
Sarka Del Bosque
Jedidiah Reinhard
The names sat in an open side tab, added to those already crossed off and filed away. A blinking chat room covered most on the screen where usernames filed past faster than the blink of an eye. The number at the top kept glitching too, jumping up and down by the hundreds, having trouble dealing with the stress of the viewership. It wasn't the only thing having trouble handling the stress.
Fingers fidgeted over the clasps of a red robe, trying and failing to get the final hook through its loop. A curse slipped from Samuel's lips as he tried a final time before giving up and slumping against the wall. The idea and build up were always exciting, but the actual moments before were pure torture - which was a rather ironic thought for someone who was standing beside a tray full of scalpels, knives, and a few blunt force instruments. Still, he couldn't seem to take a big enough breath to swallow the fear and push it down. If the smallest problem disrupted the program, they'd lose viewership, which meant that they'd lose money, and he couldn't risk being at fault for that, not during his first time.
A hand reached over his, yanking him rather roughly off the wall. "Pull yourself together, would you?" Sister Abby asked, slapping his hand away from his robe and bending down to do it herself. The young man swallowed a thick glob of spit, trying to keep collected as she finished clasping it and pulled the hood up over his head with more force than necessary. "This is supposed to be fun, after all."
The Task
The end is near... Just not quite yet.
If your character is with the cult of St. Judas, congratulations! You've survived auditory and psychological torture but now it's time to go through some good old-fashioned physical torture. Wherever your character is now, they will soon be caught by members of the cult and dragged back to a room where the torture will ensue. Users watching the red room will send in requests through text chat on the livestream, and some of them may get "creative" with what exactly they want to see done to you. The nature of these requests will be entirely up to you and the only requirement is that you somehow find a way to escape further torture by the end of this task. Whether you slipped out of the restraints or the tormentor decided to let you go, it's being left to you so long as there is some torture in your entry and you escape. Sounds easy enough, no?
As for the characters still with the Hunters of Artemis, we'd congratulate you but that would sound sarcastic. No, your characters must be exhausted and in need of some nourishment. The hunters have decided to leave you alone for now as they need to prepare for their grand event and you should use this time wisely to restore energy, maybe drink some water or rest a little bit. There's a nearby lake if they're thirsty and some fruit trees you can snack on. What fruit this is will be up to you if you wish to connect it to a forbidden fruit or just want to select something random. Whatever you decide to go with, your character will find themselves hallucinating and experiencing lucid dreams or visions. The only requirement is that you show us what they're seeing or hearing throughout this experience. Are they having flashbacks to the past? Are they imagining family members there with them? It's up to you where this goes and yes, you may start the task straight from this point.
Word Limit
Two names at the end of your entry.
Four of you will go up for votes with two of you dying.
Thursday, October 11th at 6 PM PDT
If you have any questions, by all means, PM either Linz or myself!

Author Games: Red Room
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