Name: Swaggy Pete
Sex: Hot-blooded American male, babey
Age: 21
Physical Appearance: Can't see my profile pic? Bad wi-fi? Haha that's ok, I just ran out of data for the month so I have to use my frat house's internet and it's really slow too. Can I just snap you my face. Ok don't worry about it, I'm white, I'm blonde, I have really curly hair, can I please just snap you? Damn ok, no it's not a problem I'm just not used to this. I'm 6 foot, I'm in the gym a lot so I'd say I'm built, I really care about my health. Also everybody says I have the best smile :) Whats' your sc though, just curious. Ok no worries haha. You'd be a really good interagater. Did you ever see reservoir dogs. What that's kind of random haha, I wear athletic stuff cause I'm in the gym, I have yeezys haha it's not a big deal, I got my ears pierced when I was 17, I have studs in right now. Hey. Hey. Where'd you go. Guess your internet cut out, talk to you later
[Swaggy Pete oozes sexual energy. Swaggy Pete is the complete package, and Swaggy Pete has the complete package. But don't get too attached to him, girls! He just likes to have fun.]
Personality: Hey I got worried haha. So we're doing normal questions now? What if I want to ask you questions. You never told me if you saw reservoir dogs. Yeah I want to know. Hey I googled your profile pic and you came up on a porn site. Are you a stripper. I don't care if you are, I think it's hot. Did you ever watch catfish. No I think you're legit, I trust you ;) I'll answer your stuff haha. For music I like edm and house. Marshmello slaps. Yeah but Guetta's old stuff is better, have you heard Alan Walker he does similar stuff. Into Brockhampton too. They're not edm I just like them. Post Malone is my boy! For hobbies I like traveling, me and my frat brothers went to philly over spring break. I think Spain is cool. Never been, but I'd like to go. I could take you if you want ;) haha I'm broke. For tv I watch netflix, just finished breaking bad. In the middle of walking dead. The office is funny, Jim is me one hundred percent. I have cooler hair tho. Can I get your sc. Don't worry about it haha. What about you what's your favorite show. Hey. Hey. Guess your internet cut out, I'll wait
[Swaggy Pete is the ultimate conversationalist. There will never be a dull moment when Swaggy Pete is around. He is the life of the party, the king of the frat house, and the bottom of the class ranking. His opinions are groundbreaking, yet relatable. His tastes are exquisite. But don't get too attached to him, girls! He just likes to have fun.]
Background: Your internet sucks haha. What are you doing right now. Do you get a lot of tips at work, I'm just wondering. Wow ok you're going deep. Let me take you out first, I'll tell you everything over a nice meal ;) olive garden's good, I like macaroni grill too. You can draw on the table. What they went bankrupt! Check this out. If I answer your questions can I take you out. Ok works for me. Been in MA my whole life. I have two sisters, parents are divorced, three grandparents still alive. I have step family too. We're not close though. I have a dog but he's at home. I have a fish in the frat house, I share him with two other people. There are a lot of fish in the house. We got them in bulk. They're cheap at walmart. Did you ever see blackfish? Not related, but that's really messed up right. Do you do protests and stuff. I think it's cool when girls care about stuff. Did you do women's march. Yeah but they had them everywhere right. Where do you live I never asked you. Hey. Hey. Bad wi-fi I get it. Hey. Hey. Can I get your sc. Hey
[Swaggy Pete's story is a tale of epic proportions. Countless successes and failures have sculpted Swaggy Pete into the hero and icon he is today. Some highlights of his journey are that he was a mediocre basketball player in high school, his childhood favorite restaurant just declared bankruptcy, and he used to smoke a lot of weed but he doesn't do that anymore because girls don't like it. There's more to Swaggy Pete than all of this, though. When you look into Swaggy Pete's incomparably brown eyes, you might sense that there are parts of his story that are too painful to talk about. You might ask him to tell you more about himself, hoping that he'll reveal to you the secrets he refuses to share with anyone else. But don't get too attached to him, girls! Swaggy Pete won't unveil his secret backstory until Task Six! He'll use his emotional pain as a free ride to the semifinals!]

Author Games: Red Room
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