I'm not perfect, honey; I'm just better than you.
Name: Vanity Morey
Age: Twenty-one
Sex: Female
Appearance: Vanity likes to think she could be beautiful, if she wanted to; with her big eyes and the sharp, dramatic structure of her bones, she catches many eyes around her home city of Toronto. The truth is that her appearance is a bit too much to take in. Her eyes seem too wide for her face, something which she chooses to emphasize with a thick, dramatic layer of eyeliner. Her skin is so pale one would think she never goes outdoors, and the contrast with her dark brown-and-red hair makes her look even paler. Her face is perhaps too narrow, too dramatic, to the point where something about it looks almost inhuman. She likes it this way; she tries to look as alien as she can, whenever possible. After all, who would ever want to look human?
Personality: Vanity Morey is a cynic and a muser. She likes to think about the world she lives in, and more often than not, she thinks of it as doomed. If you ask her, our planet hardly deserves to feed the flames that'll take it any minute, and the people who live upon it are no exception. Quite the opposite, actually: they're the root of the problem. Despite this, Vanity wants to save the world, and she feels confident that she can. People need guidance, and she may as well provide it. A natural leader since her childhood, Vanity used to run plenty of school clubs and teams. People often feel drawn to her, and she feels a pull to look after them, to guide them out of the darkness. Perhaps it's wrong of her to think she could make the world better than it is, but she strongly doubts she can make it worse.
Background: Born to a somewhat vapid beauty queen and her much older husband, who inherited his money from his father's war profiteering, nobody quite knows where Vanity's intellect comes from. Her parents' sole hope for her was that she would turn out as pretty as her mother, and so Vanity (ever the contrarian) has made it her mission to differ from her as much as she can. She just finished her bachelor's degree (psychology with a minor in political science) and collected admissions from three separate schools to pursue her doctoral thesis examining the psychological warfare of contemporary politics in the Western World. Vanity has a few friends, though none are all that close. Apparently, there's something off-putting about her. She never would've guessed.
Other: Vanity has gotten into the habit of keeping up with the news at an almost religious level. It should be more depressing to read as things get worse each day, but she sees it as confirmation of her ideals.

Author Games: Red Room
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